mercredi 4 avril 2012

History of India Question 1

1. The Harappan Civilization was discovered in the year.
(a) 1901
(b) 1921               
(c) 1935                   
(d) 1942

2. Which of the following animals was not known to the Indus Valley Civilization ?
(a) Bull                
(b) Horse            
(c) Elephant             
(d) Giraffe
Answer :

3. The earliest city discovered in India was.
(a) Harappa               
(b) Rangpur               
(c) Mohenjodaro            
(d) Sindh
Answer :

4. Which one of the following Indus Civilization site gives evidence of a dockyard ?
(a) harappa          
(b) lothal            
(c) mohenjodaro                    
(d) rakhigarhi

5. Who among the following wrote Sanskrit Grammar ?
(a) kalidasa                 
(b) Charaka              
(c) panini                 
(d) aryabhatt
Answer :

6. The Government of India has decided to declare which of the following rivers as 'National River' ?
(a) ganga                             
(b) yamuma                            
(c) kaveri
(d) brahmaputra                      
(e) None of these

Answer :

7. Upanishad are books on
(a) Religion               
(b) yogo                
(c) law                   
(d) Philosophy
 Answer : 

8. The 'Manu smriti' male sacrifice is referred to in
(a) Social order       
(b) laws          
(c) economics            
(d) state-craft
Answer : 

9. The word Aryan means
(a) Of good family                                  
(b) cultivator
(c) pastoral society                                 
(d) brahmachari
Answer : 

10. The Indian king who opposed alexander was 
(a) ambhi               
(b) porus               
(c) Dhananands               
(d) chandragupta

Answer :

1. (b)   2. (d)   3. (a)   4. (b)   5. (c)    6. (a)     7. (d)       8. (b)       9. (a)      10. (b) 

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