mardi 28 août 2012

Skill sets

Skill Sets

Water skiing has its flip side too. It is definitely not for the weak-hearted. If you cannot stomach water and getting wet, well stay away from even watching a skiing show on the TV. Also, those with spectacles have major trouble skiing.

Wearing contact lenses would mean the risk of losing them. Whereas, wearing spectacles means water droplets on the glasses and hazy vision. Drowning is another real problem facing water skiers.

Water skiing, though a high-adrenaline activity, it complements health too. It regulates metabolism and improves immunity. Well, thats true for almost all sports. Take for example, probably an adrenaline junky, Samuelson whose dare-devil innovation has turned out to be an exciting sport.

His shows led him to be given the honor of the first water skier by the American Water Ski Association. What attract people to water skiing are the several tricks that could be performed by being attached to a boar


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