jeudi 23 août 2012

Should i breastfeed or use formula

Should I Breastfeed or use Formula?

Information about breast-feeding to help you decide what is the right choice for your family.

pregnancy, breastfeeding, formula, baby feeding

The decision of how to feed your baby is a very personal one. The benefits of breast-feeding are numerous and significant, but many women still choose not to for reasons all their own. Before you decide how to feed you child, take a few moments to study up on breastfeeding, then armed with information, making your choice should be easier.

Breastfeeding has two stages, colustrum and regular milk. Colustrum is the very first milk produced. It occurs during the first two to three days, and is a thick, whitish liquid. Colustrum is exactly what a new baby needs. It is low in fat and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies. It is also extremely easy for the newborns system to digest. One of the first things that the colustrum does is produce a laxative effect. It helps the baby to pass the meconium, which are thick and tarry. It also helps to clear excess bilirubin and prevent jaundice. So, if a baby is born with jaundice, the best thing is to nurse. Colustrum also carries an extremely high


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