jeudi 23 août 2012

Should reiki really be considered a massage therapy

Should Reiki Really Be Considered A Massage Therapy?


The practice of Reiki is taught in many massage schools. There is debate about the categorization of this therapy as a form of massage. So is it massage, mystical healing or just New Age hocus pocus?

massage, massage therapy, reiki, reiki massage, alternative health, medicine, health

I dont know about you but when I go for a massage I expect the massage therapist to use their hands, fingers and maybe even their elbows to loosen my stress-laden muscles. There is nothing more delightful than an experienced pair of hands that helps to expunge all of the bad stuff from my body that causes me to become tense, anxious and, perhaps, a bit unpleasant to be around sometimes.

I still vividly remember a visit with a physical therapist for a problem that I was having with a disk in my neck. The disk was pinching a nerve which was causing pain in my neck, back and arm. A particularly annoying area was near my shoulder above my shoulder blade. As I sat in a massage chair, the therapist used her elbow to dig right into the affected area with a force that caused some serious discomfort. But when I left that morning, the pain was almost gone. Now that was massage!

Recently, I was introduced to the concept of Reiki. I was reading up on the various forms of massage therapy and, quite frequently, Reik


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