dimanche 26 août 2012

Simple yet effective lead generation strategies for beginners

Simple Yet Effective Lead Generation Strategies For Beginners

Lead Generation is essential to a profitable long term business. If you plan on having continued success with your business then it is a no brainier! Read on for some of my favorite lead generation strategies.

Build a Landing Page

Using a landing page is the number one outlet for generating quality leads. You need a landing page to generate leads!

Your landing page should consist of a few things. Most importantly a form that will capture the visitors contact informat...

home business,lead generation,internet marketing

Lead Generation is essential to a profitable long term business. If you plan on having continued success with your business then it is a no brainier! Read on for some of my favorite lead generation strategies.

Build a Landing Page

Using a landing page is the number one outlet for generating quality leads. You need a landing page to generate leads!

Your landing page should consist of a few things. Most importantly a form that will capture the visitors contact information so you can follow up with them. Next, you should have some kind of headline that leads in to some ad copy that outlines the benefits of what your offering.

Your headline needs to grab your visitors attention and keep them reading. Your ad copy should tease the reader enough to get them to fill out their information to continue. It's always a good idea to have your landing page redirect to a relevant offer after they fill out their information.

Luring Visitors With Incentives

Incentives are a good way to grab effortless leads. Although your response rate will be lower you'll get more leads to make up for it. Write a free report on the offer your generating leads for. There are many things you can offer for free. Get creative with it!

It's important to note that some sponsors do not accept incentive leads. Make sure you read your sponsors terms and conditions before you use that technique.

Split Testing Is a Must

You should constantly be trying new things with your landing pages to see what converts and what doesn't. You could be losing out on major profits if you don't split test your landing page. Split testing can be done using special scripts or you can do it manually.

I always like to find ways to automate my business so I go the extra mile and install the scripts to track the split test.

Promote your landing page with Pay Per Click advertising

I use PPC Advertising as my main source of leads. I've generated thousands of leads for my sponsors or offers using various PPC Advertising programs. My personal favorite right now is MSN Ad Center. It's still very inexpensive and very effective. Google Adwords has become crowded and is more competitive then ever. I am all for competition but I like easy profits to :)

If you are using Google Adwords to generate leads then you should definitely think about adding more to your landing pages. Google Adwords now implements a quality score algorithm that will make your ads more expensive.

Things you can do to improve your quality score.

One thing you can do is add a free web directory to your landing page. Add some relevant links and generate pages. You should aim for at least 20 pages. Try to add more over time.

You can also try adding related articles as home pages.

Make sure you pay close attention to all of your PPC campaigns as these can break your bank quick if left unattended. Always test and track your keywords to see what works.


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