dimanche 26 août 2012

Simple yet effective ways to sharpen memory in children

Simple yet Effective Ways to Sharpen Memory in Children

One of the mysteries has been solved. Babies younger than 8-9 months old do remember and have specific memories. For a long time, the question has baffled researchers, doctors, as well as parentswhether children have the power to remember or does memory develop later in life.

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One of the mysteries has been solved. Babies younger than 8-9 months old do remember and have specific memories. For a long time, the question has baffled researchers, doctors, as well as parentswhether children have the power to remember or does memory develop later in life.

Did you know that there are three distinct memory stores in the childs brain? They are the sensory register, short-term memory store, and long-term memory store. This is where experiences are retained, stored, and recalled.

Memory as you know plays a crucial part in learning and intelligence. And in order to enhance memory, you would need to promote aspects like focused attention, associated ideas, and repetition in your kids.

It is Really up to You

Many of us grew up thinking that thinking power and memory were inherited - that is why some people are average while others are geniuses. This is a myth, research proves that you the parent can raise your childs intelligence and improve memory greatly.

All you need to do is b


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