lundi 27 août 2012

Site promotion tools one more reason to get it right

Site Promotion Tools: One More Reason To Get It Right

Website owners have a desire to get the word out about their website as soon as possible. This is an understandable desire. The feeling is a bit like knowing what you want in the day after Thanksgiving sales and having to wait in line to get into the store. You want something to happen they way you want it to happen and you want it to happen NOW.

The problem with this line of thinking is that when you submit (or have someone do it for you) to search engines you have on...

marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,web branding

Website owners have a desire to get the word out about their website as soon as possible. This is an understandable desire. The feeling is a bit like knowing what you want in the day after Thanksgiving sales and having to wait in line to get into the store. You want something to happen they way you want it to happen and you want it to happen NOW.

The problem with this line of thinking is that when you submit (or have someone do it for you) to search engines you have one chance to make a good first impression. If your site isnt complete the initial spider technology will only rank your site based on the information that was actually on your site. It could be awhile before spider bots come back through your site to reevaluate your ranking.

When an entrepreneur jumps the gun on site promotion tools they may find a lack of success in site rankings. In most cases these sites arent ready for that first dance with search engines.

When entertaining different site promotion tools you want to be sure to maximize every step you take. When you pursue marketing exposure prematurely you can wind up minimizing the effectiveness of the tool.

Imagine using a hammer to strike a nail. The hammer cant do its job if when its ready to swing the nail hasnt been manufactured yet.

What Im saying is the hammer of search engine rankings is being called into play and the nail of a finished website is still in the design phase.

A website can be in production for an indefinite period of time, but when you call on the search engines to evaluate the site youve set a significant machine in motion that has the ability to help you launch your site successfully or leave you at the bottom of the pile.

Because marketing is a work in progress in the same way a website can be, it should be noted that you will be refining your website for as long as you have it available. The search engines will continue to monitor your website through back links and other standard methods. Dont be afraid to fine-tune your site. Just make sure the mechanics of your ecommerce business are functional and well-tuned for its initial ride into cyberspace.

Moving your idea from dream status to online store is an exciting part of ecommerce. You should be thrilled to be moving in this direction. Just make sure to make use of available site promotion tools that can give you the boost you need for your launch party.


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