lundi 27 août 2012

Site promotion tools who s your customer

Site Promotion Tools Whos Your Customer?

Site promotion tools can be enhanced when you pay attention to the many details associated with knowing your target demographic. A demographic is a specific age range and even economic range the primary individual will likely be who may use your product or service.

Radio stations will target a specific age group. They may even target a specific gender. These media outlets attempt to learn as much about their audience as they possibly can.

One group even refers to their ...

marketing,internet marketing,site promotion

Site promotion tools can be enhanced when you pay attention to the many details associated with knowing your target demographic. A demographic is a specific age range and even economic range the primary individual will likely be who may use your product or service.

Radio stations will target a specific age group. They may even target a specific gender. These media outlets attempt to learn as much about their audience as they possibly can.

One group even refers to their target listener as Becky. She is a soccer mom in her 30s, she is a mother of two, drives a mini-van and spends a lot of time taking her kids to sports, band and dance practice. She is hurried and harried and likes music that is upbeat, but she also likes the familiar. It is this particular person this group of stations attempts to reach and they are doing an effective job as she manages his day of multi-commutes.

How well do you know your demographic (or typical customer)?

It could be that your product defies an age or gender barrier, but for many businesses that are interested in site promotion tools it can be a great benefit to know as much as possible about those who might be making a purchase of their products or services.

The general alterations made to a website for demographically focused site promotion is online knowledge-based content. If your typical customer is 45-55, female, lives in the Midwest and is generally thought of as middle income you might not be interested in pitching the product to twenty-something males who live in urban areas. Thats not to say that your product may not have value to someone in this age group, but if your can craft the online promotional material to be attractive to a mature adult without giving reference to age, gender or residential preferences you may also find the material is acceptable for other customers that fall outside your target demographic.

If, however, you target your content to appeal to the vernacular and preferences of a twenty-something, chances are pretty good your target demographic (primary users of your product) will be disenfranchised and move along in an effort to find a company they can trust (and understand). This approach may only work marginally if your demographic is highly specific to the age group and needs of your target.

I recently saw a commercial on television where some adult parents were trying to connect with their teenagers and were using phrases that were in use in the not too distant past. The beauty of the commercial is it points out that the phrases that kids think are wonderful today will be out of date very soon. Accept that as a free bit of advice try not to use current pop culture phrases in your content because it will appear very dated to readers in the not too distant future.

Site promotion tip: Learn all you can about your target audience and strategically reach out to them. Rather than diminishing your ability to sell you can actually build brand loyalty.


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