mardi 19 mai 2009

Hit longer drives here s how

Hit Longer Drives - Here's How

To hit longer drives is the dream of every golfer on the planet! Even the professionals players want to hit longer drives. Is there a magic bullet? Do you really know what it takes to dramatically improve your driving distance?

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To hit longer drives is the dream of every golfer on the planet! Even the professionals players want to hit longer drives. Is there a magic bullet? Do you really know what it takes to dramatically improve your driving distance?

Ill bet your first answer will be a new driver at $500. Am I right? If not a drivertake more golf lessons. Am I getting warmer yet? If I still havent guessed righthit more balls at the range? Am I scorching hot yet?

The key to hit longer drives is clubhead speed and solid ball-clubface contact. Thats it! Seems easy enough right?


The ONLY way to improve clubhead speed is to have optimal strength and flexibility in your core region. This is the area of your body that creates the torque on the backswing that is unleashed at impact.

How many times have you tried to swing hard and the ball didnt go anywhere? Ive been there. How many times did you just not care and all of a sudden the ball rocketed off the clubface.

That one timeyou were relaxed and probably made a bi


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