mercredi 20 mai 2009

Holiday table strategies

Holiday Table Strategies

Its that time of year again and for most of us that will mean rounds of parties, get-togethers and holiday dinners. While the holidays are a great time to get-together with family and friends, they can be a real threat to our diets. This year instead of giving up holiday get-togethers all together or giving in to the decadent fare spread out before you and regretting it later learn how to successfully manage the holidays with some creative table strategies.

When planning...

Weight loss, Diet,

Its that time of year again and for most of us that will mean rounds of parties, get-togethers and holiday dinners. While the holidays are a great time to get-together with family and friends, they can be a real threat to our diets. This year instead of giving up holiday get-togethers all together or giving in to the decadent fare spread out before you and regretting it later learn how to successfully manage the holidays with some creative table strategies.

When planning strategies to keep your diet intact throughout the holidays, there are two main fronts you need to wage on the Battle of the Bulge. First, you need to work on diet strategies for events that you host and second, strategies for events that you do not host.

Hosting holiday events can be a lot of work, but it does give you a tremendous advantage in terms of managing your diet. Many people are reluctant to even attempt incorporating their diet plans into the foods they offer at holiday get-togethers because they are concerned they will of


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