mardi 19 mai 2009

Holiday eating anxieties for bariatric patients

Holiday Eating Anxieties for Bariatric Patients


Most Bariatric Surgery Patients experience a wide range of Holiday eating anxieties which can actually ruin a perfectly good Holiday around friends and family. Don't allow your anxieties to spoil the day!

Bariatric, Morbid Obesity, Gastric Bypass, Holiday Eating Anxieties, weigth loss Surgery, Roux-en-y

Most Bariatric Surgery Patients experience a wide range of Holiday eating anxieties which can actually ruin a perfectly good Holiday around friends and family.

Prior to surgery, Holidays meant family, friends, and lots of food to indulge in and enjoy often at a glutinous rate simply because Holiday foods are special because they are only provided during the season and they are prepared so carefully which adds guilt if you dont partake of it.

How many times do you hear these phrases said at a Holiday gathering?

Thats ALL youre going to have? I worked so hard on that dish
You better eat this now, because it wont be here for another year.
It will hurt my feelings if you dont eat this..
These are very special ingredients I ordered specifically for this dish
You cant be NOT HUNGRY its a Holiday!
Have more, theres plenty
Take some of this home with you if youre not going to eat it now
Oh nonsense! Youre allowed to eat a lot to


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