mardi 19 mai 2009

Holding a fund raising cookout for a good cause

Holding A Fund Raising Cookout For A Good Cause

Martha was very active with the church. Being a daughter of a preacher, this individual spent a lot of time helping others in the homeless shelter after finishing up the assignments given out in school.

Unfortunately, the old place was getting dilapidated. There were leaks coming from the ceiling and the paint on the walls was already coming off. Martha knew something had to be done before the building inspector will condemn the place.

Since Martha was a member of the...

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Martha was very active with the church. Being a daughter of a preacher, this individual spent a lot of time helping others in the homeless shelter after finishing up the assignments given out in school.

Unfortunately, the old place was getting dilapidated. There were leaks coming from the ceiling and the paint on the walls was already coming off. Martha knew something had to be done before the building inspector will condemn the place.

Since Martha was a member of the student council and worked on separate fundraisers, it wasnt long before this person came up with an ambitious plan to get money for the repairs.

This involved holding a fundraising cookout at the Church parking lot, which everyone will surely enjoy. After mentioning the plan to the father and then selling the idea to the churchgoers, it wasnt long before people started getting to work.

Some people put up flyers. Others talked to some companies in the city who may like to become a sponsor. Before these are distributed, someone has to check that the flyer explains what the fundraiser is all about which will increase the chances of getting others involved in the program.

Aside from selling food, part of the strategy involved selling some old cooking recipes. People could submit a copy and then someone will combine all the works, type it up and do some proofreading so this can be sent off to the printers.

When the books are out, this can be distributed to some bookstores and restaurants with the rest to be sold off during the cookout at a fair price.

Even when the cookout is over, some money can still be made when extra copies are sold off in the web. Using every resource available all contributes to a big amount that will be used to buy paint and other materials that will be used in renovating the old shelter.

Martha and everyone at Church were able to earn more than enough for a working crew to come in and fix up the place. The success of the fundraiser was just the first of many more planned in the future to help in other projects also needed by the underprivileged in the community.

It is often said that the way to anyones heart is sometimes through the stomach. Believe it or not, the same thing can be done when raising money for a cause by holding a cookout.


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