mercredi 16 janvier 2013

An interview with an avon representative

An Interview With An Avon Representative

An interview with a successful Avon cosmetics representative who has built his own successful business. You could do the same!

avon,mlm,working from home,

Avon has many thousands of representatives around the world selling its cosmetics. Most of the 'Avon ladies' (and many men!) sell in their spare-time, although there is now an increasing number who work at their business full time.

We have interviewed several Avon representatives to find out how they have built up their Avon business. Their experiences may help you to decide whether you would benefit from joining an Avon team.

This week we are speaking to a man! Dave Carter is 31 and lives in Sunderland, UK.

Q: Dave, why did you join Avon?
A: My partner Debbie joined first, about 18 months ago. I had been selling another MLM company's products
but I hadn't been very successful. I like the idea of network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing, and I could see the potential; but it just wasn't working for me. Then Avon started network marketing here in the UK about 2 years ago and getting in on the ground floor seemed attractive.


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