mercredi 16 janvier 2013

An optimization that can please your customers and the search engines

An Optimization That Can Please Your Customers AND The Search Engines

Do not put any effor on tricks, What pleases the seach engines and the visitors?, Build theme pages, Where should you put your keywords, Advantages of tweak and testing

web pages optimization, marketing, internet marketing, home business, search engine optimization


How do the visitors to your website find you?

Theres a big difference between hits to your site and qualified visitors to your site!

Hits are just a showing of your sites home page that you can get by the thousands with pop under scripts and exit-exchange programs.

Qualified Visitors are people who looks for information, that found your site through a link on other site, or through a search on the Search Engines.

If a person knows your web sites URL he can just type in on his browser and will find you, but MOST of your visitors wont know that you exist before they find you, and they will find you thanks to the optimisation of website pages.

The big difference between the hits and the qualified visitors, is that the qualified or targeted visitors are looking for the contents of your web site, and that from every 200 bulk untargeted visitors you will only get 1 qualified visitor, so you definitely need to go for the qualifi


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