mercredi 16 janvier 2013

An overview of network marketing

An Overview of Network Marketing

The term network marketing has two different meanings. In generally it is a synonym for multi-level marketing and often by mistake considered the same as a pyramid scheme.

The idea of "network marketing" is often used to describe a marketing concept that emphasizes on the inter-connectivity of market players and transactions and can be observed as the application of systems thinking to marketing.

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The term network marketing has two different meanings. In generally it is a synonym for multi-level marketing and often by mistake considered the same as a pyramid scheme.

The idea of "network marketing" is often used to describe a marketing concept that emphasizes on the inter-connectivity of market players and transactions and can be observed as the application of systems thinking to marketing. According to network marketing premise other marketing schemes see the discipline as constant dyadic relationships such as one buyer and one seller. Network marketing tries to rise above this constraint by looking at transactions and relationships from the perspective of all those concerned.

These outlook initiated in industrial marketing, also called B2B marketing, where multiple contact points are distinctive. It is not rare to have a number of decision makers in a company's "purchasing centre". Likewise, the marketer can be planned into a "selling team". With multiple players on


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