mercredi 16 janvier 2013

Analyzing google page rank update

Analyzing Google Page Rank Update

Google page rank updates are a blessing for some and a curse for others. Whenever Google update the Page Rank, it is displayed on their toolbar and during every update it causes an unfortunate stir within the SEO community as webmasters use all the rules in the book to get their website amongst the top Google rankings.

For those of you who are new to this, Page Rank is basically a type of ranking or a score that sets your website aside from the other websites on the Intern...

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Google page rank updates are a blessing for some and a curse for others. Whenever Google update the Page Rank, it is displayed on their toolbar and during every update it causes an unfortunate stir within the SEO community as webmasters use all the rules in the book to get their website amongst the top Google rankings.

For those of you who are new to this, Page Rank is basically a type of ranking or a score that sets your website aside from the other websites on the Internet. The factor that drives page ranking is the total number of links pointing towards your website and their value. The value of these links is calculated depending on the PageRank of the web pages that has those links.

You can always visit for more information on page rank, the technology, and, basic of links.

The current PageRank update is expected to cause quite a stir because many websites will display considerable drops in their PageRank and at the same time the same websites will also show significant increase in the number of back links. This fact basically reveals the occurrence of one of the following:

1. This may have happened because Google raised the bar/score on PageRank. This can make it difficult for websites to maintain the same ranking with the current score.

2. The method of displaying back links has been changed

3. The method of calculating the value of any incoming link has been changed

Raising The Bar: Google

From the last few updates, most SEO experts can make out that Google has been raising the bar constantly on their PageRank. This is being seen as a majot change especially in the light of events where websites have attained higher page rank by buying hundred of links. The current Google Page rank update is also driven by this factor.

The New Calculations

There are many websites, which have shown an increase in backlinks and the fact of the matter is that Google doesnt show all the backlinks. You can find an accurate count of backlinks on any website from Yahoo by entering

For example, if a particular website is showing 700 backlinks on Google as of now then if you check on Yahoo, you will found more than 10,000 backlinks. In a way, it is safe to say that a websites change in page rank is not caused due to Google showing lesser number of back links.

The real value of a link

The value of a link seems to have played an important role in the change in Google Page rank update. The various areas, which display a reduced value of a link include:

  • Multiple links from a single site

  • Textual links like "Partners", etc.

  • Links from low relevancy sites

If you are among those who have lost their current page ranking and have gone even lower then the first thing that you need to do is build good quality links or high relevancy links. It will be another three months before the next Google page rank update. If you have increased you page rank so far by buying thousands of links then its time to look for another strategy amore promising strategy.


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