mardi 19 mai 2009

History of dog breeding

History of Dog Breeding

Studies revealed that humans already loved pets even during the pre-historic days. For thousands of years, man has established a good relationship with specific dog types. Useful dogs are treated nicely and are fed regularly. As years passed, domesticated dogs were developed and at present, there are already different groups or types of dogs like the sight hounds, guardian or livestock dogs, and the hunting dogs. To maintain such differences, the people intentionally mated different breeds to uphold certain characteristics.

Purebreds were for the rich and famous but that was years ago. Dogs today are more affordable because of the extreme competition in the dog breeding industry. Some breeders concentrate mainly on purebreds while others focus on mix breed or cross breed dogs. There are different types of breeding such as inbreeding, line breeding, and out-crossing.

Dogs should be registered with the dog registry like kennel clubs. Owners of studs should also be registered so that you can receive the necessary documents. The American Kennel Club or AKC is quite popular in the US and you can find a huge database of all the dogs there with their respective lineage, working qualities, and achievements. These dogs are also the ones who are associated with the kennel clubs in the US.

Purebreds also have their own records in the registry. Dog breeders are encouraged to check with the registry to learn more about a particular dog breed. The records can help a breeder in analyzing the traits, pedigrees, and other valuable information. The registration of purebreds and mixed breeds vary depending on the state you live in, the registries, and kennel clubs. A certain breed already has an established standard that breeders should follow. They must abide with the rules to ensure the health of dogs.

Dogs are required to undergo hip certifications, joint X-rays, and even eye exams. Special tests or trials should be passed by your dog to get the certification. An expert will evaluate your dogs working qualities and other factors before a certification is issued.

The new breeders are often called backyard breeders. Those mass producing businesses are called puppy farms or puppy mills. Dog breeding is considered unethical by animal rightists. But its up to the dog breeder to practice ethics in the conduct of his business.

These animal rightists claim that inbreeding dogs should not be encouraged because genetic disorders are increased. They also claim that there is already an overpopulation of pets in the world today and they also protest against the yearly killings of dogs in animal shelters.

Dog breeders are already aware that dogs possess inheritable characteristics just like humans. It is therefore very important that only the good genes are passed on to the puppies. Among the common hereditary problems are hip dysplasia, eye problems, heart conditions, deafness, bone or joint, etc.

Dog registries and breed clubs are conducting extensive studies on these conditions so that breeders will have adequate information on how to prevent such genetic defects. The OFA (Orthopedic Foundation of Animals) is also collecting useful data for the benefit of dog breeders.

Dog breeding is rich in history. For thousands of years, people cared for dogs and its no wonder that dogs are closest to man of all the animals or pets. So, do you want to become a dog breeder? Decide now.


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