samedi 11 février 2012

Section B Ultimate GK part 10

91. The Civil Disobedience movement caught the imagination of the people in the States. In many places, significant popular movement came into being. Point out where it did not ?
A. Rajkot
B. Hyaderabad
C. Travancore
D. Rampur
Answer :

92. An electrical appliance is earthed to ?
A. Protect the appliance against any damage
B. Prevent shocks
C. Reduce consumption
D. Avoid shot-circuiting
Answer :

93. The NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) came into force in ?
A. 1968
B. 1972
C. 1970
D. 1974
Answer :

94. Allugel tablets used to reduce acidity contain ?
A. Sodium Carbonate
B. Sodium Hydroxide
C. Ammonia
D. Aluminium Hydroxide
Answer :

95. Lowest percentage of carbon is in ?
A. Cast iron
B. Steel
C. Wrought iron
D. Pig iron
Answer :

96. Consider the following statements with regard to the Supreme Court of India ?
a. The Supreme Court has been created under the Constitution of India.
b. The Supreme Court at present comprises of a Chief Justice and 25 ordinary judges.
c. The Supreme Court has its permanent seat at Near Delhi, but it can meet elsewhere if the Chief Justice of India so decides in consultation with the President of India.
d. The Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court extends over disputes between India and Foreign 

Of these statements :
A. a, b and d are correct
B. a, b, and c are correct
C. b, c and d are correct
D. a, c and d are correct
Answer :

97. The most malleable metal is ?
A. Platinum
B. Silver
C. Iron
D. Gold
Answer :

98. According to the Reserve Bank of India Credit and Monetary Policy, the rate of increase in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of food grains has been more than that of the rate of inflation. This would mean that ?
A. Inflation will be more than the price of price of food grains
B. There will be an increase in the availability of food grains
C. Increase in the price of food grains will be more than proportionate to the rate of inflation
D. There will be a reduction in the open market price of food grains
Answer :

99. For respiration deep sea divers use mixture of ?
A. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
B. Hydrogen and oxygen
C. Oxygen and nitrogen
D. Oxygen and helium
Answer :

100. The compound used as an anti malarial drugs is ?
A. Aspirin
B. Chloroquine
C. Penicillin
D. Hydroquine
Answer :


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