vendredi 10 février 2012

Section B Ultimate GK part 9

81. When the New Economic Policy was adopted in India in 1991 July the growth in real GDP was ?
A. Negative
B. 0.5 per cent
C. 1 per cent
D. 3.5 per cent
Answer :

82. We always see the same face of the moon because ?
A. it is smaller than the earth
B. it revolves on its axis in a direction opposite to that of the earth
C. it takes equal time for both revolution around the earth and rotation on its own axis
D. it rotates at the same speed as the earth around the sun
Answer :

83. When an electric bulb breaks, there is a mild bang due to ?
A. the chemical reaction between the enclosed gases
B. the composed gases rushing out suddenly
C. the air rushing in to fill the evacuated space
D. some other reason
Answer :

84. Tetraethy1 Lead (TEL) is added to petrol to ?
A. prevent freezing
B. increase boiling point
C. increase flash point
D. increase anti-knocking rating
Answer :

85. In the human body the most abundant element is ?
A. Carbon
B. Calcium
C. Nitrogen
D. Oxygen
Answer :

86. The pH of human blood is around ?
A. 3
B. 7.5
C. 12
D. 6
Answer :

87. In which case did the Supreme Court hold that Preamble was not a part of the Constitution ?
A. Berubari Case
B. Golak Nath case
C. Keshvananda Bharati case
D. None of thes
Answer : 

88.  Though the temperature inside lighted electric bulb is around 2700 Centigrade , the filament does not burn because :
A. the metal of which it is made up of resistant burning
B. the oxygen necessary for combustion ( burning ) is not available as the bulb is evacuated and filled with pure nitrogen or inert gas
C. it cannot burn in closed system
D. it is made of non-metallic substance.
Answer : 

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