dimanche 12 février 2012

Section F Ultimate GK part 3

21. Australasia or Oceania comprises of ?
a. Australia                 b. New Zealand
c. New Guinea               d. Pacific Islands
e. Tasmania

A. a, b and d
B. a, b, and e
C. a, b, c and d
D. a, b, c, and e
Answer :

22. The smallest possible unit of a chemical compound is ?
A. Atom
B. Electron
C. Proton
D. Molecule
Answer :

23. Hypo, used in photography, is chemically ?
A. Silver bromide
B. Sodium thiosulphate
C. Sodium phosphate
D. Silver nitrate
Answer :

24.Emeralds are made up of ?
A. Carbon
B. Calcium
C. Beryllium
D. Iron
Answer :

25. Anaemia occurs due to the lack of ?
A. Iodine
B. Calcium
C. Potassium
D. Iron
Answer :

 26. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below ?
1. India's population is characterized by a high growth rate.
2. With the current growth rate it is likely to overtake China in the near future.
3. Out of every six persons of the World one is an Indian.
4. About 40% of the India's population is below the poverty line level.

A. 1,2 and 3 are correct
B. 2, 3 and 4 are correct
C. 1, 3 and 4 are correct
D. 1, 2 and 4 are correct
Answer :

27. In the Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh States, the joint 'Rajghat Valley Project' is launched on ?
A. Ken river
B. Son river
C. Chambal river
D. Betwa river
Answer :

28. Which state in the country has the largest number of districts ?
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Manarashtra
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Uttar Pradesh
Answer :

29. Environment refers ?
A. As the natural world of land, water, air, plants and animals that exist around it
B. To the sum total of conditions which surround man at a given point of time
C. The interacting systems of physical biological and cultural elements which are interlinked
D. All the above
Answer :

30. The cells which have the capacity to divide and differentiate into any type of cells in the body are the focus of research of several serious diseases are ?
A. Bud cells
B. Red cells
C. Mesangial cells
D. Stem cells
Answer :


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