jeudi 9 février 2012

Section B Ultimate GK part 7

61. India's rank in vegetable production is ?
A. First
B. Second
C. Fourth
D. Fifth
Answer :

62. U.P. has been divided into ?
A. 11 agro-climatic zones
B. 9 agro-climatic zones
C. 7 agro-climatic zones
D. None of the above
Answer :

63. Consider the following statements :
1. Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh launched the Jawahar Lal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission in December 2005.
2. The Mission will have an initial corpus of Rs. One lakh crore.
3. Initially only 28 State capitals will benefit from the Mission.
4. The Mission aims to provide food for work to the urban poor.

Which of the above statement(S) is/are correct?
A. 1 and 3 only
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 1 , 2 and only
D. All the four
Answer :

64. Government of India has taken a decision to set up price stabilization fund for the growers of ?
A. Potato
B. Sugarcane growers
C. Coffee and tea
D. Tomato
Answer :

65. A labour intensive industry is one that ?
A. Requires hard manual labour
B. Pays adequate wages to the labour
C. Employs more hands
D. Provides facilities to labour
Answer :

66. If a complete ship is hired, the Shipping Company issues ?
A. Shipping Order
B. Charter Party
C. Bill of Entry
D. Railway Receipt
Answer :

67. Ripening hormone is ?
A. Gibberellin
B. Morphactin
C. Ethylene
D. I.B.A.
Answer :

68. We obtain turmeric from which part of the plant ?
A. Stem
B. Root
C. Fruit
D. Flower
Answer :

69. Who among the following has been given 'World Citizenship Award' 2006 ?
A. Kofi Annan
B. Jimmy Carter
C. Bill Clinton
D. Ronald Reagan
Answer :

70. Who has been recently given ' Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration ' 2005?
A. Bismillah Khan
B. Jyoti Basu 
C. Javed Aktar
D. Mahesh Bhatt
Answer :

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