dimanche 12 février 2012

Section F Ultimate GK part 2

11. Where are copper, gold, iron and coal respectively found in India ?
A. Kollar, Khetri, Kudremukh, Jharia
B. Jharia, Kollar, Kudremukh, Kherti
C. Kudremuk, Jharia, Kollar, Khetri
D. Khetri, Kollar, Kudremukh, Jharia
Answer :

12. What is washing power ?
 A. Sodium chloride
B. Hydrated sodium carbonate
C.Sodium dicarbonate
D. Clacium carbonate
Answer :

 13. The need for effective corporate governance and independent regulatory authorities was highlighted by the scam involving which of the following multinational corporation/s ?
A. Enron
B. World Com
C. Xerox
D. All of the above
Answer :

14. 'Carbon dioxide cycle' implies that ?
A. Carbon dioxide moves in the air in a cycle
B. The carbon dioxide structure is cycle
C. Carbon dioxide consumes oxygen
D. Oxygen is changed into carbon dioxide by respiration of human beings and then to oxygen and carbon by green plants
Answer :

15. Light from the nearest star reaches the earth in ?
A. 4.3 seconds
B. 4.3 minutes
C. 43 minutes
D. 4.3 years
Answer :

16. Usual Status (US) unemployment is calculated with reference to a period of ?
A. One year
B. Indefinite
C. One month
D. One week

17. An iron hammer, lying in the sum appears much hotter than its wooden handle because ?
A. Iron is at a higher temperature
B. Iron is darker than wood
C. Iron absorbs more heat
D. Iron is a good conductor of heat
Answer :

18. It is not advisable of sleep under a tree at night because trees release ?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon monoxide
D. Sulphur dioxide
Answer :

19. In the later vedic pantheon, what was the order of gods in accordance with their importance ?
a. Indra          b. Vishnu
c. Prajapati     c. Rudra

A. Cdba
B. Cbda
C. Bcda
D. Bacd
Answer :

20. A solution with pH=2 is more acidic than a solution of pH=6 by a factor of ?
A. 4
B. 12
C. 400
D. 1000
Answer :

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