dimanche 27 février 2011

Leather craft details

Leather Craft Details

Working with leather can be fun and profitable. Find out what tools are needed and where to find good information about leather crafts.

leather craft, leather

Leather craft is a fascinating hobby and many artists have taken this way beyond carving initials or embossing a logo. Leather craft requires special tools and specific types of leather

Embossing / Stamping / Tooling

An excellent place to shop, learn about leather craft embossing, and gain knowledge on all types of leather craft information is at eLeatherSupply.com you'll find tools, hardware, leather, kits, and patterns there.

Embossing is art of creating a three-dimensional image onto leather. The only type of leather you want to try this on is vegetable tanned leather, which may be described as tooling leather. With leather craft embossing, you do not need extensive training since all that is required are some special tools, embossing plates or wheels, and some basic leather craft knowledge, which can be learned in a class or even on the Internet.

With embossing, pressure is created from underneath the leather item or from on top. For de-bossing, this is when the design is backwards, created fro


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Leather craft classes

Leather Craft Classes

Further education is always a good thing. Find out where local leather craft classes are taking place right now.

leather craft, leather

If you are interested in learning how to make undeniably great leather products, you can enjoy classes to make anything from shoes to handbags to gun straps, and much, much more! You can find more opportunities on the Internet but I have put together a list of some organizations that offer leather-making classes that I would highly recommend:


ywca.com or ymca.com Most people think of these notational organizations as being places to learn how to swim or where they can enjoy a good aerobics class. While both the YMCA and YWCA do offer these types of activities, they offer incredible classes that include leather making.

All you need to do is visit the website listed to find an organization where you live. Some of the classes offered include design and making of leather shoes, belts, handbags, hats, wallets, and more. The prices may vary but on average, you can expect to pay around $150 to $250 for a four- to six-week class.


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Leather bookbinding

Leather Bookbinding

Custom leather book binding can be a lucrative hobby. Find out how to get started right now!

book binding, leather

Not only can you decorate your leather item, leather itself can be the decoration. Book binding is a great example, which has recently enjoyed renewed popularity. The way you look at this project depends on the condition of the book.

You may need to repair the spine and actual page bindings in order to install a new cover. In any case, this first step would be to remove the old cover. is a site that has very detailed instructions to walk you through this. Half of the fun of leather book binding is learning about it. has information about book binding past, present, and future.

Their information is accurate and interesting! You can start from scratch with a hide, or order leather book binding supplies from a reputable supplier such as is more to book binding than slapping a cover on. If you want a rich, professional appearance, you'll find numerous books at your local library or in-depth information on the Internet on the process of book binding. Hand-bound books are considered rare, unusual, and in so


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Leasing a car has advantages and disadvantages

Leasing a Car Has Advantages and Disadvantages

There are good points and bad points to leasing a car. You should consider them carefully before you make a decision as to which is better for you.

Defective automobile, vehicle defect. Lemon law, auto warranty, auto lemon, arbitration, lease, insurance

Buying a car is expensive; there is no getting around that. It's easy to pay as much for a new car today as one might have paid for a house a generation ago. But they are more complicated than they used to be and they are safer, too. Still, there is the matter of the money, and if you don't have a lot to spend you may be considering leasing instead of buying. The low monthly payments offered with leases can be appealing, particularly if you are on a budget.

But there is more to leasing a car than just the low payment advertised in the commercial on TV. Anyone who is in the market for a new automobile should consider the pros and cons of leasing a car as opposed to buying one.

Here are some of the good points about leasing a car:

The payments are lower - Sure, the payments are lower; you are only paying for the portion of the car's value that you are actually using, and not the car itself. The lower payments could help budget-minded shoppers, or they could allow the consumer to make a deal on a m


Government Car Auctions Provide Cheaper Cars Than Anywhere Else

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Lease to own property investment

Lease to Own Property Investment

If you've dreamed of real estate riches along with dreaming of being in the position to help out those who have hit a few bumps in the road along the way but are generally good people fallen on hard times then you may want to consider a type of real estate investing in which you purchase properties and then work out a lease to own agreement with people who, for one reason or another, cannot get the financing to purchase their own properties right now.

This type of real estate investing is a great way to make money while helping out your fellow man and there are many other benefits to this type of arrangement as well. First of all, renters have no stake in a property. For this reason you will often find that renters have little regard for damage done to the property beyond how it affects their security deposit. Those who have hopes of someday owning the property however are much more inclined to take great care of the interior and exterior of the home they are renting. This means that chances are good that the value of the property will actually improve during their tenure whether they ultimately decide to purchase or not.

This also benefits you because these properties are often in high demand and will fill up more quickly then the average rental property should the sale of the house fall through for whatever reason. Common reasons for sales falling through are work related transfers, divorces, and an inability to get financing even with the money escrowed to go towards a down payment. The good news is that even if the sale falls through you can try again and the house isn't likely to sit empty for very long.

The benefits to those leasing from you are many. First of all, you will be putting a predetermined and agreed upon sum of each months rent towards their down payment at the end of the (again) previously agreed upon amount of time. This allows them to save the money for the down payment without really consciously thinking about it each month. This agreement also allows them a little more leeway for making improvements, painting to taste, and decorating than your typical rental home.

Another big benefit to those leasing to own is that it gives them a certain amount of time, typically two years, to get their affairs in order and work on improving credit, saving money, and taking other positive steps towards their dreams of home ownership. They also get the opportunity to see how they like living in the home in question. Many homeowners would love to have had a two-year trial on their homes before making the final commitment. They have an opportunity to learn about many of their neighbors, the local schools, the local commute, shopping, and entertainment among other things. These things are all great knowledge for those leasing to see and enjoy first hand before making the absolute commitment to purchase the property. It also happens to keep money filling your pockets month after month with excess paid to go to the down payment reverting to you if after two years (or the agreed upon time frame) they decide not to make the

Some have a difficult time making the decision to go the lease to own route when it comes to real estate investing. They feel, for whatever reason that it is taking advantage of some people and that is something you'll have to wrestle with on your own. Truthfully speaking it is a service that many people wish was offered much more often than it is and can be a huge help to those who are experiencing a bit of a rough patch but otherwise have always been on time with payments and are, at the core, good people who deserve a break. You can quell the feelings of taking advantage by offering a fair price on an arrangement that has the potential to be mutually beneficial.


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Learn More About What Debt Can Do To Your Future Financial Security Or Lack There Of

Debt is something that so many of us have to be concerned about daily and it is time that people start taking full responsibility for their own actions and learn more about how your debt is going to affect your future. Debt can totally destroy your financial security now and later on in life, so why are you still not doing anything to try and improve your current detrimental situation? Find out some different things that you can do by reading this article and really given some thought as to what improvements could be made in your life to help with your financial standing.

There are so many easy changes that can be made which would improve your debt condition drastically, over just a small period of time. If you would only stick to your guns on this and really work hard, staying focused and determined, within just a matter of time you will see just how easy it can be to ease yourself and relieve yourself from your debt stress, that is only growing bigger and bigger by the minute, unless something positive happens quickly enough.

Debt management can improve your financial situation dramatically and if you really pay close attention to any amount of money coming in, as well as going out, you are quickly going to see just how much better you are managing your funds each and every month that passes you by. Debt management can help you gain back control of your finances, as well as teaching you many different things that will help to prevent this terrible debt crisis from ever happening to you again in your future.

Managing your money more efficiently is not only going to help you with your debt problem but it is also going to teach you how to be a stronger, more responsible adult, who knows how to manage your finances more appropriately, which is going to be knowledge that you can carry with you throughout your entire life. Teaching your children how to manage and save money when they are young is something that will also give you a really good feeling inside, just knowing that you are preparing them for their future and they are going to know just what it takes to keep them in good financial standings later in life.

Debt is not something that you can get out of just in a day or two, it is something that will take you quite a bit of time but by working extremely hard and being very determined you are going to be able to alleviate many of the debt problems that are holding you down each month and start seeing the light at the end of the financial tunnel, that has been so dark and gloomy now for far too long.

Start reading finance books, which can be gotten at your local library, as well as on the internet for a very reasonable price. These books can be very helpful to anyone hoping to learn more about controlling finances, money management and how to get out of your current debt problems. Good luck!


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Learn More About The Benefits Of Using Elliptical Machines Regularly

By now most of you have probably experienced using some sort of elliptical machine and I would imagine each person has their own little opinion about the benefits of using it over a period of time. Make sure you get the most out of every workout that you achieve, so that you are not just wasting your precious time. Far too many people get started with their workout routines, only to end up getting extremely burned out really fast and end up just giving up on it.

To ensure that you can achieve the most benefits from your elliptical training and other things that you choose to do that can get your heart rate up, make sure that you have yourself a good plan established, so that you do not just give up on it before you even start to see results. It is very important to either do your own research on different workouts or talk with a professional trainer, perhaps at your local gym or elsewhere. Do this so that you can go into it with the r


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samedi 26 février 2011


Learn More About The Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation is an art that has been around since the dawn of the age of man. This is not a statement to be brushed over. After all, many many things about mankind have changed over time, but the profound art of meditation is something we have clung on to dearly. This is because there is no substitute for meditation. Nothing else, single handedly, bestows the many wonderful blessings that meditation brings... in fact nothing else even comes close. In this article I will outline the top 10 benefits that meditation brings and hopefully it will inspire all to learn and practice this timeless art.

The mind of one who meditates is like the easy, leisurely flow of the Ganges River, as compared to the ordinary mind, which is like Niagara Falls. In other words your mind is at peace, deeply silent and so you are at peace.Meditation opens up the channels of communication between all levels of your being. Wh


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Learn More About an affiliate Program

The two tier system is becoming one of the more popular systems in affiliate marketing programs these days. The company you are working with gets more people selling their product. The affiliates have the ability to earn money from the work of the affiliates they refer. The idea behind this is, as an affiliate yourself, you have the ability to sign up other affiliates under you.

In an ideal world, the more affiliate you sign up on your second tier below you, the more money you can make. It is really a win-win situation for everyone. The affiliates will have to then decide if it wants to grow their affiliate base to get more people selling their products. So, they introduce a second tier affiliate program.

Each affiliate still gets the same 10% commission per sale, but now, the same affiliate can earn 4% on the sales from affiliates they refer to the system. It also enables the company offering the affiliate program the ability to rapidly grow their affiliate base. Two tier affiliate programs are set up to maximize the income for the affiliates who use them.

There are hundreds of thousands of people marketing affiliate programs online these days. Amazon, among many other websites most certainly have way more than 100,000 affiliates. There wouldn't be that many people doing this if nobody was making money with it.

However, not every affiliate will make bucketloads of cash. It takes a little work and desire to constantly learn to be really successful. affiliate programs aren't get-rich-quick businesses, but rather more deeply rooted business systems which can make long term incomes for the website owners.

If you take your affiliate program business seriously, it can easily surpass the income generated from a 9-5 job. It really depends on the market you are going after, how popular your site is (number of visitors you get), how targeted your ads are to your visitors and so on.

It can be confusing to understand all of this but once you begin to grasp this concept you are most definitely going to want to become a big part of some type of affiliate program in your area or surrounding area because the benefits are really going to be worth any amount of hard work being put forth towards your financial and business achievements.

Many small streams create a large river. Same things are true with multiple small revenue streams. If you want to have many target markets, build a separate website for each market, and target smaller niches with each site. Even though you will get less traffic and income from a smaller site, you will have several smaller sites working together, which combined will earn more than one massive, end all site.

Knowing more about an affiliate program before you become involved in one is so very important and it will mean all the difference in the world when it comes to how successful of a future you have in store for you and for your businesses longevity as well.


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Learnmoreaboutanaffiliateprogram earnmoreprofits

Learn More About an affiliate Program-Earn More Profits!

There are various approaches and method to online marketing. It is important know about each method so that one can compare the results. this list sums up the online marketing methods. This is marketing at personal level and includes telling your network and friends, making a business card etc. Article marketing implies writing articles and submitting them to web article directories.

When you write article, you are allowed to put a back link to your website in author's bio box. People looking for information will come and read your article. if it interests them, they would visit your web site for more information. Article marketing is a very good method to build links for your site, enhance your website's search engine ranking and getting traffic. What is more, it is absolutely free until you wish to use paid services.

Bum marketing is a method of marketing using articles with a twist. Here, you search for potential keywords that can be dominated, write articles on those and submit them to article directories with an affiliate link to the product you want to promote.
Forum is a place where people gather and discuss their problems, strategies etc. There are many forums on the web that you can join and participate in discussion.

Most of the forums allow a link back to your website in your signature text which would appear below the post you make. Again a good traffic builder.
This involves search engine optimization of your website design and content. Search engine use their algorithm to rank websites and when people search for something, these websites are displayed as the search engines would rank them.

Search engine optimization or SEO are the methods by which you try to build your site and content so that it may please the search engines. You either learn SEO or use the paid services. This is a paid service where you pay the service provider every time your link is clicked. This kind of marketing is quite popular with internet marketers.

Apart from Google and Yahoo there are many other pay per click services available. You can start your own newsletter or ezine or electronic magazine which your subscribers can choose to receive. Creating an ezine is an integral part of your internet business. Here two or more marketers come together and promote a product or service in a way that it will benefit them all. Joint ventures are a great way to build your business because the marketing efforts are combined and results are always more than individual efforts.

You can purchase placement of your website link on other website

. This is very commonly done for SEO as one way incoming backlinks are used to rank your website by search engines. This method also brings in traffic if the site that you purchased link placement from is heavily visited website.
You can launch your own affiliate program where people can join. Then they would advertise your product with their affiliate link. When a sale is made, they get a preset commission. You will need an affiliate program manager to do this. Clickbank.com offers an easy alternative.


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Learning How To Use The Elliptical Machines Properly Makes A Big Difference

Elliptical machines can be life savers for many unhealthy individuals hoping to lose weight that they have been packing around for many years. These machines are very helpful in helping people lose weight, as well as maintaining their goal weight over a period of time, if used properly. The elliptical machines are not difficult to train on, however, it is very important to make sure that you are comfortable enough with the machine that you are using so that you do not end up doing something silly that could cause you to harm yourself accidentally.

Using elliptical machines daily or atleast a few days a week can get you in tip top shape, within just a matter of a few weeks, if you are using them consistently and continuing to keep your heart rate up as it should be throughout the duration of your workout. It is very important that your heart rate stays up duri


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Learning with photoshop cs tutorials

Learning With Photoshop CS Tutorials

Photoshop CS tutorials will definitely be of good use to people who have long purchased the program and have not yet maximized its use. Taking the lessons and tutorials will definitely help you become more productive and creative.

Photoshop CS Tutorials

There are many things to learn with your Photoshop CS. You can explore them and utilize each for your own use. Here are some of the aspects you can look forward to from basic Photoshop CS tutorials.

Learn the Basics...

photo shop tutorial,adobe photo shop tutorial,free photo shop tutorial

Photoshop CS tutorials will definitely be of good use to people who have long purchased the program and have not yet maximized its use. Taking the lessons and tutorials will definitely help you become more productive and creative.

Photoshop CS Tutorials

There are many things to learn with your Photoshop CS. You can explore them and utilize each for your own use. Here are some of the aspects you can look forward to from basic Photoshop CS tutorials.

Learn the Basics

The basics of Photoshop CS tutorials will dwell on getting you familiar with the different aspects to manage Photoshop. This includes screen areas, layers and styles, droplets, actions and even the creation of new images.

This will also expose you in understanding images. This must show you how you can explore the blend modes and distinguish the vector from the bitmap graphics.

Techniques and Tools

After passing the basics, the tutorials can next lead you to navigate the selections on painting, drawing and creating shapes. This will dwell on how you can do filling, cropping, cloning, sampling, annotation and retouching.

This part of the Photoshop CS tutorial will help you appreciate more how the Internet web sites and web in general are structured. You will see how graphics and animation basically operates.

Optimization and Download

You can learn about browsers, JavasScript, platforms, backgrounds, positioning, monitor resolution and interpolation at this stage. This will be especially helpful for you if you plan to expand on your web page.

Any Photoshop endeavor will also bank a lot on the colors. This part of the tutorial will help you explore the best color choices for your web page. You can learn how to use colors, explore their modes, and choose them properly.

If all these words mentioned above still sound very much Greek to you, then it is all the more important for you to start taking the tutorials.

Photoshop CS Tutorials Options

Now that you have seen the significance of taking lessons on your Photoshop program, then you can start exploring the many options for you to learn. Here are some of them:

1. Web Page Tutorials

You can access web sites that will teach you how to operate Photoshop. For a fee, you can explore the site and get everything you need to learn.

2. Demo Version

There are also demo versions for Photoshop tutorials that you can download for free. This will include very few chapters only. You can use this to evaluate the offers of a particular site before purchasing the whole package.

3. CD Version

You can also purchase the CD so you can learn everything about Photoshop even if you are not online.

4. PDF Files

Some web tutorials offer tutorials in the PDF format. This is a good choice for people who want a printout for their lessons.

5. Video Tutorials

Photoshop CS video tutorials are good also for people who need to be guided in every step of the way. This will demonstrate to you exactly what you need to see and click.


Online Photoshop CS tutorials provide the best opportunity for people to maximize their program and skills to become more productive and creative. So take the initiative now. Make sure you learn and you will definitely benefit from it.


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Learning vision from leaders

Learning Vision From Leaders

The Japanese have several traditions. One is binding the feet of babies in order to keep them small in later life. Bonsai is a process of miniaturizing the root system of plants and trees so as to allow the characteristics of a full-grown tree but in a stunted form.

goal setting, success

One of the key reasons why a vision is successful is in the attitude of the leader of it to allow others part ownership in it. Our western philosophy of ownership can be quite selfish. I am not talking of negating our responsibility to lead the vision, but would question the way some visionaries are unable to let go areas that would grow better under someone elses care.

The Japanese have several traditions. One is binding the feet of babies in order to keep them small in later life. Bonsai is a process of miniaturizing the root system of plants and trees so as to allow the characteristics of a full-grown tree but in a stunted form. Vision must fully mature unstunted.

If we consider these principles in the same way we handle vision, we can see that restriction of the natural growth points of vision will result in a dwarf version of what could have been. There are several factors that will stunt vision and none more so than unnecessary restrictions on the root system.

The root system of any vision is similar and without due awareness and care, we result in a stranglehold that will reduce the life flow needed for natural growth.

Vision is not for me alone

In making the switch from leading charitable organization dependent on donations from the public sector, to a small business whose objectives are to make and distribute wealth, has provided some challenges. My core values for living are to provide resources and skills to those who are not in a position to pay for them. I live my life as close as possible to these values.

When I started my practice I made a decision to give away at least ten percent of my teaching resources, finances and skills to benefit others. My site is loaded with tools for coaches to develop their practices without charge. I have another website designed for supporting fellow coaches and I coach at least three individuals without charge at any given month. Saint? No! I have a commitment to the betterment of those around me. My vision is my responsibility, but it must touch others in a way that improves their quality of life and challenges them to do likewise, otherwise I am not seeing the results of the purpose of my vision.

Currently I am designing a website for developing leaders and training coaches.

If all you see is yourself, you missed the plot

A mirror reflects the image it sees and so does vision. What we put into vision will return to the visionary. Living life self-centered is living life at its poorest form. As you have worked through the different aspects of vision, you will become aware of the sovereignty and power that vision has within it. One learns to understand that the vision owns you, not vice-versa.

This means our future is in part way determined by the momentum that vision generates. This is in no way drudgery or chain around our ankle; on the contrary it brings a synergy and empowerment unlike any other purpose. As we identify the true nature of vision, we will view all other activities through this newfound perspective.


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Learning transcendental meditation

Learning Transcendental Meditation

It is not difficult to learn transcendental meditation. If you are looking to escape from the whirlwind of ringing cell phones, traffic snarls and screaming kids, transcendental meditation can provide a peaceful getaway from the craziness of everyday life.

meditation, meditation techniques, yoga, alternative health, alternative therapies, holistic health, spirituality, stress, anxiety, depression

It is not difficult to learn transcendental meditation. If you are looking to escape from the whirlwind of ringing cell phones, traffic snarls and screaming kids, transcendental meditation can provide a peaceful getaway from the craziness of everyday life.

In 1958, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi formally introduced his transcendental meditation technique. Since then, he has written several books, lectured and toured extensively all over the world and trained over 40,000 teachers. Transcendental meditation is now practiced in the workplace, at home and in medical settings. In addition, doctors and health professionals are increasingly prescribing transcendental meditation as means of combating anxiety disorders and stress.

You may be wondering what is transcendental meditation and what makes it different from other forms of meditation? One of the most exciting elements of the transcendental meditation technique is that it so simple and easy to


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Learning to type and handwriting analysis how typing skills help you hide your personality....

Learning To Type And Handwriting Analysis - How Typing Skills Help You Hide Your Personality....

Why learning to type is important to you - How typing skills will help you hide Your Personality from other people. Typing skills are worthwhile to learn for yet another reason: to hide your most inner secrets from the eyes of handwriting analysts and Graphology professionals...

learning to type, handwriting analysis, learn to type, graphology, typing games, handwriting, typing speed

Why is learning to type good for you?

There are plenty of reasons why, for example:

When you learn to type, you're able to put out your words on paper in a professional way, and especially today that computers, text editors and word-processors with many features are available. So, instead of writing with your hands, you can type your words on the computer.

When you learn the art of typing, especially speed typing, where you type speedily with ten fingers, it allows you to accomplish more work in a shorter time, so that you can communicate easier and more often with your buddies and relatives via E-mail.

Typing skills can help you get a better job opportunity, like an office job, or perhaps to start working at home as a freelance typist. Typing skills are also handy when you need to build a web site, so that you can type many content-rich web pages at great typing speed, to attract the search engines and human visitors.

So, you see that learning to type is a great skill to master.

But, you might be wo


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Learning to think like a customer selling tips for success

Learning to Think Like a Customer: Selling Tips for Success

Fact number one: potential customers buy for personal reasons (theirs), not ours. They could care less about our company, glitzy website, or how long the list of product features so skillfully displayed. They only care about the oldest motivation in the book WII-FM (whats in it for ME!)

internet marketingideas, off line advertising, business marketing

One of the most common mistakes marketers make is advertising and marketing based on personal opinions and perceptions. Unsuccessful ones tend to think this way, not only about the product being sold, but also regarding how potential customers will act and react to our advertising approach. This then begs the obvious question (which isnt so obvious)why do customers buy in the first place. What is their motivation, purpose in buying? What do they need the product/service for? What needs are they satisfying in buying the products in the first place? Seems like simple and basic questions, right? Not really, when you dig deeper under the surface. The better we understand and appropriately respond to these questions, the more sales, revenue and success we will have.

Fact number one: potential customers buy for personal reasons (theirs), not ours. They could care less about our company, glitzy website, or how long the list of product features s


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Learning to take a stitch in time is sew easy

Learning To Take A Stitch In Time Is "Sew" Easy

Here's news that may have you in stitches.

Learning To Take A Stitch In Time Is "Sew" Easy

Here's news that may have you in stitches: Sewing is an increasingly popular hobby-and very different from the way it was a generation or so ago. Now, whether you're a longtime expert sewer or just starting out with this useful and enjoyable skill, modern sewing machines offer a variety of wonderful features-if you know what you need.

Here are some tips from the experts at Husqvarna Viking on selecting a sewing machine:

• Decide what sort of sewing you want to do. Do you want to sew for yourself? Create gifts for family and friends? Make decorative accessories for your home, such as pillows and drapes, or decorate already-made clothing?

• Ask other sewers what brands and features they like.

• Go to a reputable, independent sewing machine dealer who is knowledgeable about the product. Independent retailers may offer more amenities than mass merchandisers can, such as free sewing lessons when you buy the machine.

• Take a "test drive." Sit at the machine and sew a few s


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Learning to surf in sydney for the over thirties

Learning To Surf In Sydney for the Over Thirties


Humorous article about a Sydney man learning to surf in his late thirties. Addresses the common fears people have when considering taking up the sport, the thrills of the experience, and four things every learner should know, including the health benefits. Also lists surf schools in Manly and Bondi

feature articles feature writing, surfing, health, exercise, Sydney, Manly, Bondi, beaches

A few months ago, a friend called to ask if I'd like to join her on a surfing lesson. Giving thought to my answer, two images flashed to mind. My thirty-nine year old battle weary body, attempting to hang five with a gaggle of bewildered foreign backpackers and pointing school kids. And more vividly, the look on the faces of my settled couple and married-with-kids friends if they knew I was even considering the idea.

Having recently broken out of Sydney's Lower North Shore maximum suburbia and moved to the fun-filled northern beaches, I had already become a prime suspect in their case against dirty-thirties attempting to recapture lost youth. It wasn't that I'd been caught driving a red convertible sports car or acting suspiciously outside Botox clinics. However, I had been hauled into Fresco painted living rooms and interrogated under the glare of designer mood lighting over alleged mixed touch football games on weekends, bar hopping on school nights, and clubbing on any night, sternly warned that such


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Learning to speak french economically

Learning To speak French Economically

"Parlez-vous Francais?"

French language is such a great language to listen to but it is even interesting if you know how to read and say the words. Though it is a lot appealing for most if the language could just be directly learnt and spoken without going through the long process, but the fact is, we will never reap anything if we dont sow something.

Learning how to speak the French language nowadays can be done anywhere as long as you have a wireless device with an a...

learn french,learning french,speak french,study french,french program,french improvement program

"Parlez-vous Francais?"

French language is such a great language to listen to but it is even interesting if you know how to read and say the words. Though it is a lot appealing for most if the language could just be directly learnt and spoken without going through the long process, but the fact is, we will never reap anything if we dont sow something.

Learning how to speak the French language nowadays can be done anywhere as long as you have a wireless device with an access to the internet. If you do, then it is possible to learn French anywhere. The very reason why you need to take advantage of the internet is because there are immense sources of French materials you can get from there without the problem of paying too much for one. If you are eager to learn and yet in a very tight budget, you can search for free French learning materials online as well.

The problem with getting an online language learning material though is you can never be too sure if it is reliable. However, there are a bunch of websites available which has the seal of trustworthiness written all over a website. One look and youll know that its worth the effort in finding and researching for it.

A good way to find these types of websites is to use keywords on major search engines. If you are really the curious type and dont want to risk quality, then you can vary your keywords. Remember that it has to be phrases to make sure that the search engine will give you desirable results.

If you want to have more learning materials from one website, you can try searching for French language study programs or software bundles. Similar to free items, they have all the French grammar information that you need. Whats great with these language programs though which couldnt be found on free materials is that they have additional learning software like pronunciation guide, vocabulary enhancement and other additional ebooks related to learning and speaking French. If youre really good in researching by using search engine keywords, youll find great and affordable French language programs.


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Learning to play with free guitar chords

Learning To Play With Free Guitar Chords

Close your eyes and listen. Is there a sound more soulful and more resonant than a well-played guitar? Its the sound of life and the sound of the soul. You can make it yours. That is, if youre up for it.

Figuring out how to read your free guitar chords?

If you are teaching yourself to play the guitar, you will be reading a lot of manuals filled with diagrams and notations. Learning to read the diagrams and guitar tablature will guarantee your enjoyment of free guitar ...

free guitar chords

Close your eyes and listen. Is there a sound more soulful and more resonant than a well-played guitar? Its the sound of life and the sound of the soul. You can make it yours. That is, if youre up for it.

Figuring out how to read your free guitar chords?

If you are teaching yourself to play the guitar, you will be reading a lot of manuals filled with diagrams and notations. Learning to read the diagrams and guitar tablature will guarantee your enjoyment of free guitar chords, which you can download anytime from online guitar sites. The daunting task should not dampen your interest because it is actually easy as long as you put your mind into it.

Imagine now that you are looking at a blank diagram. The diagram will represent your guitar. The vertical lines are the 6 strings of your guitar. The horizontal lines are the frets. Do not count the last line on top. That is your guitars nut and nuts should be ignored, no pun intended. When dots appear on any of the horizontal lines within a fret you are instructed to use the string. The dots will have numbers to indicate which finger to use on a particular string.

When the dots appear without a number inside, it appears like this: O this means you are not going to play the string. You will also learn which finger will be 1, 2, 3, and 4. The thumb is not included in the count, but is designated as T.

At first, there will be some difficulty and awkwardness with the fingers when learning your free guitar chords specially prepared for beginners lessons. Beginners are advised to concentrate on the chords, the strumming later. As each chord is sounded, listen carefully to the sound and get used to the feel of the chord on your fingertips.

Getting the feel of free guitar chords

Guitar chords are arranged according to basic chord patterns. The CAGED system represents the major chords: C, A, G, E, and D. This is introduced to prepare beginners for more complex chords. Often, later lessons will bring in the F and B chords and the chords with flats and sharps. When the lessons have finally been learned by heart, the succeeding lessons will be easier. Still, you have to consistently practice with free guitar chords to perfect your craft.

When youre downloading free guitar chords, get video demos to supplement your guitar instructions while youre at it. By watching how the chords are played, you will be enhancing your playing style. The demonstrator also often explains away the details, and you can view the same video anytime until you have learned the tricks like switching between chords with speed. As a beginner, you probably place one finger at a time on the strings. This will be cumbersome later when you have to switch chords fast. Make finger exercises a part of your routine to help you touch all the required strings at any given time. This exercise requires placing your fingers on the strings, lifting your fingers, and placing your fingers on the noted strings at the same time. Repetition will help you perfect the skill.

Indeed, learning to play the guitar can be a lot of hard work. But then, nobody ever said it would be easy, only that it would be worth it.


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Learning to play tennis

Learning To Play Tennis

Most people begin to learn how to play tennis by watching tennis matches on television. They will learn about the scoring system used in the tennis matches and learn how to differentiate between one tennis racquet brand and another. Over time, they will also know the different playing styles of every tennis player on the circuit and some they will be able to identify on sight with their full name. They might concentrate very intently on each ball service because each player s...

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Most people begin to learn how to play tennis by watching tennis matches on television. They will learn about the scoring system used in the tennis matches and learn how to differentiate between one tennis racquet brand and another. Over time, they will also know the different playing styles of every tennis player on the circuit and some they will be able to identify on sight with their full name. They might concentrate very intently on each ball service because each player seems to have a different serving style.

It is common to see children playing alone outside with a racquet and a ball. They are learning to play tennis by practicing their serve on a concrete wall. They might realize that tennis requires them to run more quickly than they initially thought, and by the end of the day they are ready to go to bed early because they are extremely tired. The next day that they practice tennis in this manner, they might be more willing to pace themselves in their tennis training.

The local library has many sources of information that people can use to gain knowledge about the game of tennis. There are sports magazines and internet sites with plenty of information to read, hear and visualize, as well as an unlimited number of videos that people can rent to view when they have some free time during the day. All of these news sources will be verified and children find this information resource invaluable when they join a tennis team at school.

A tennis player can learn all about the world of tennis by studying how to become a professional in the sport and by following the career trail of players who have played professionally for many years. They might even learn where the tennis courts are in their hometown so they can practice volleying the ball over an actual net.

Many neighborhood apartment complexes install tennis courts to lure in the right crowd. Any tenant that has the energy to play tennis will generally have a proactive lifestyle. Neighbors can spend many hours on the tennis court getting exercise just to keep fit. While they are busying themselves by learning tennis, they will generally stay out of trouble and spread good cheer among other residents who live there.

Some parents might be willing to sign a child up for a lessons at a local tennis center. Learning the game from someone that has perfected their craft is generally the best way to learn it. The tennis centers will have regulation courts where people can learn to serve the tennis ball with precision and returning the ball several times after that will be what their formal training in tennis will perfect.

People get inspired to learn tennis by buying tennis outfits and equipment. The salesmen at a sports equipment outlet will be a good guide to make sure they have everything they need. When learning to play tennis, only the basic equipment needs to be purchased. Players can move on to more expensive styles in racquets after their tennis training has been completed.


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Learning to play guitar can t be more fun as with jamorama

Learning To Play Guitar Cant Be More Fun As With Jamorama

Learning to play guitar is a tough job. to learn playing guitar properly, you need an efficient coach, someone who would teach you all the varied lessons and how to pick a note and play a tune. You might wanna play the tune of Hotel California by the Eagles. Well, wait no more the perfect guitar coach for you is right here. Its Jamorama with its 26 jam tracks to jam along and there are lots more. All the styles of music including rock, jazz, country, hip-hop, blues, and dance are being covered in the lessons. The lessons are designed such as to make your guitar learning speeds like a rocket.

There are also video lessons. The number of the video lessons is 148. The creator of the kit Jamorama is Ben Edwards. He was a former lead guitarist of the band "DegreesK". He went to tours with this band in many countries. These days he is working as a dedicated guitar teacher. Jamorama is designed to be multimedia course for fast and effective guitar learning experience. There are also step-by-step instructions to let you learn to recognize the notes from a song and then to be able to play the song later.

People want to learn guitar for many reasons. The reason could be just urging for playing a musical instrument. It also could be the reason that guitar does make you look sexier. And of course another reason is to be a star. Whatever the reason is your entire target is to learn to play guitar. The perfect kit for guitar learning is Jamorama. It has a fun process of learning. The lessons are rich and the gaming software used to teach notes are amazingly helpful. Also adds up to all these are fast learning.

The learning kit is also designed for each level at mind. No matter you are a beginner or an expert, you might be in the intermediate level, this guitar learning kit has something to offer to you. The quality of the guitar playing courses and books isnt quite satisfying. This is a new way of learning guitar with step-by-step instructions and this is fast learning in a fun way. There are video clips to make the lesson more functioning. There are games designed to fast track users learning.

The Jayde Musica and GuitearIt are the software for gaming and these games help you to learn how to read music and how to be music transcriber.
The Beginners Guitar E-course is given free from the website. More than 97% of the learners claim that learning guitar was discovered to be tougher than they thought. The website for Jamorama, states that there is no need for any other books, the ultimate guitar learning kit is sold in the market. The information is presented in an easy way to follow statements. The learning time also depends on the learners capability, if the learner is capable of taking the load or not. Using Jamorama really helps you to learn guitars.



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Learning to play drums the reasons why people find it difficult

Learning To Play Drums: The Reasons Why Most People Find It Difficult

We all know for a fact that the drum set is the coolest musical instrument in a band. It is also considered as the heart of the band because without the drums, there will be no life in the music. Playing the drums may look easy but the fact is, its really harder than it seems.

If you dont have any past experience in playing the drums, then you may find it very difficult to learn how to start playing this particular instrument. However, you will also find that learning how to play the drums is very cool and can be a lot of fun. Like any instrument you try playing, you need to practice a lot in order for you to get better at playing it. And, you shouldnt give up.

When you do decide to practice on a day to day basis, you will start to see that playing the drums will be as easy as walking. In fact, you can even develop your playing skills to the point that you will be able to play your favorite songs with the drums by ear.

If you want to learn how to play the drums, the best way to start is by learning about the history of the instrument. You also need to find out about the different types of drums that exist today. The size of the drum set you use is also important for you to learn, as well as the different brands and different sticks being used by drummers today.

You also need to learn about the different types of drums. So, for starters, here are the most common drums that will likely end up in your drum set.

The first is the bass drum. This is the big drum that sits on the flower and offers the low pitched sound that goes boom when you hit it with a foot pedal.

You also have the tom-toms. In a drum set, it comes in a set of three. You have the floor tom, the medium tom, and the high tom. In any drum set, you will also find the cymbals. Basically, these are the metal round objects. In drum sets, you will find the crash, ride, splash, and the high hat.

You also have the snare drum, which you will usually find on a drum set. This particular drum is usually hit with the drummers non-dominant hand.

These are the basic things that you will see on a drum set. After learning about the different type of drums used in a drum kit, the next step is to learn how to properly hold the drum stick. Basically, you can hold it any way you can as long as you are comfortable. But, it is best to get some advice on how to hold the drum sticks as it can have a great impact on the way you play the drums.

You can start playing the drums with simple notes and try to coordinate your hands with your feet at the same time. This is the hard part in playing the drums and it will take time and practice for you to completely have coordination on your whole body when playing the drums.

You can enroll in classes, buy tapes, videos, and even access the internet to get lessons.

It is a fact that learning how to play the drums is very difficult especially when you get to the part where you need to coordinate your hands and feet. But, with time, practice and dedication, you will be able to play the drums like a pro.


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Learning to play drums the basics of drum cymbals

Learning to Play Drums: The Basics of Drum Cymbals

Now that you have purchased your first drum set, the next step is to buy the cymbals. Most drum sets may include cymbals but are usually not the good kind of cymbals you will want. If you are serious about drumming, then you have to purchase the cymbals separately.

Just like choosing your drums, choosing your drum cymbals is just as important. With good quality cymbals on your drum kit, you can be sure that you will be able to get high quality sound from your drum playing, which will accompany the sound of your drums perfectly.

If you can, buy cymbals of the same brand or you can also mix and match different brands as long as it also mixes with each other when it comes to the way it sounds.

You have to remember that brand is everything when it comes to purchasing cymbals. So, stick with branded manufacturers. You may be tempted to go for an off-brand cymbal set because it will allow you to save a few bucks, but you will soon find out that this will be a waste of money. Stick with recognized quality manufacturers of cymbals, such as Paiste, Zildjian, Istanbul, Meinl, Sabian, and UFiP.

A good drummer will need no more than 3 different types of cymbals that will accompany the drums when they play. These cymbals are the hi-hat, crash, and ride.

Keep in mind that because the cymbals will represent the drummers vocal range or voice, you will see that there are so many different types that have been added to a cymbal selection.

Here are the different cymbals available and also a brief explanation of its function.

The hi-hat is considered to be the time keeper. Its basically a pair of cymbals that is attached to a stand. With a pedal, the drummer will be able to raise and lower the top cymbal.

The ride is another type of cymbal. This is the largest cymbal in the group and it is also used for time keeping. However, it will have a more open and fuller sound than the hi-hat.

The crash is another type of cymbal that is used for emphasis. Another type of cymbal is called the splash. This is the smallest cymbal in the crash family and this particular cymbal produces a lower volume voice.

Another member of the crash family is the china. This produces a sharp voice, which can be described as trashy.

There are also other types of cymbals available for sale in the market today. Different cymbals produce different effects. There are even oriental gongs, cowbells, and even drum bells.

By experimenting with cymbals while you play the drums, you will be able to come up with your own unique sound and identity, which will really set you apart from other drummers.

These are the factors that you need to consider when purchasing cymbals for your drum set. By knowing about the different kinds of cymbals available, you will eventually be able to create your very own music from your drums and also know what kind of music you want to play with your drums.


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Learning to meditate

Learning To Meditate

Learning to meditate can help you reduce stress and rejuvenate your soul. Science has proven that reducing the ill effects of stress can increase the quality of your life. It can also help prevent heart attacks and even cancer.

In reality, meditation is simply learning techniques that help you to relax. Unfortunately, many people associate meditation with religious beliefs. Although some religions do use meditation, the use of these techniques may be implemented without an...

learn to meditate, learning to meditate

Learning to meditate can help you reduce stress and rejuvenate your soul. Science has proven that reducing the ill effects of stress can increase the quality of your life. It can also help prevent heart attacks and even cancer.

In reality, meditation is simply learning techniques that help you to relax. Unfortunately, many people associate meditation with religious beliefs. Although some religions do use meditation, the use of these techniques may be implemented without any religious connotations.

Getting Started

Learning to meditate requires that you understand three separate principles. These steps of meditation are posture, breathing, and attitude. All of these concepts must be used together in order to achieve the maximum effects. Posture is a fundamental part of meditation. The posture for any relaxation should keep the spine straight. This will provide the proper circulation through your nerves and help you to stay alert.

Breathing is the most crucial part of learning to meditate. You should take slow, even breaths that come from your diaphragm. It will take some practice to get the process down. The final step is all about focusing on the task, which is clearing your mind and concentrating on relaxing your body. This is often the most challenging part of meditation. Beginners often find that their mind will wonder into daily worries or daydreams. When this happens, simply refocus your attention back to meditation.

Tools of The Trade

There are things that you can do and purchase that will help you, when learning to meditate. Tapes, DVDs, and books offer step-by-step instructions on proper meditation. They can be extremely helpful to beginners. Chairs are produced specifically for the purpose of relaxation and meditation. They are designed to provide proper posture and help with breathing. You can also use mantras, which are simple chants that can help you stay focused.


Find Your Focus - End Procrastination Without Willpower

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Learning to love ourselves

Learning To Love Ourselves


Our doubt concerning our self-worth is the main obstacle to our emotional and inter-relational harmony. This doubt is the cause of our greatest fears such as being rejected, laughed at, ignored, unloved, and most of all, of being alone.

Loneliness and Doubt

Loneliness is the disease of our age, and its cause is self-doubt. Fear of being alone is perhaps our most ancient one. It comes from the fact that in the past, he who was not accepted was ostracized from the group. ...

self, acceptance, love, confidence, self-esteem, improvement

Our doubt concerning our self-worth is the main obstacle to our emotional and inter-relational harmony. This doubt is the cause of our greatest fears such as being rejected, laughed at, ignored, unloved, and most of all, of being alone.

Loneliness and Doubt

Loneliness is the disease of our age, and its cause is self-doubt. Fear of being alone is perhaps our most ancient one. It comes from the fact that in the past, he who was not accepted was ostracized from the group. In those days, that did not mean simply feeling lonely, but also being unable to survive.

Another factor that makes us fear rejection or not being accepted by others is the fear of being punished by them or by God. We have been brought up to believe in a God, whose love is conditional, depending upon whether we are perfect in His/Her/Its eyes or not.

Childhood Programming

We receive messages from our parents and other important persons throughout our childhood years concerning whether and under what conditions we are good or worthy.

As children, we learn from adults that we must measure our self-worth by:

  1. What others think of us.

  2. The results of our efforts in school, our profession and life.

  3. Our appearance

  4. How we compare to others.

  5. How much we know.

  6. How much money we have.

  7. And various other conditions

Our doubt of our self-worth then becomes our greatest obstacle to inner peace, harmonious communication and loving relationships. These doubts are the foundation of most of our negative emotions and relationship conflicts.

*** If we had more self-acceptance, we would have less need to prove ourselves to others. ***

Then we would not feel offended so frequently and we could overlook others negativity and be at peace with them regardless of their behavior.

Let us now look at how we can increase and stabilize our self-acceptance.

The first step is to discover the situations in which we lose our sense of self-worth or self-acceptance.

The reasons we most often loose our feelings of self-worth are examined in the following questionnaire.


In which situations do you lose your sense of self-love, self-worth, self- esteem or self-acceptance?

1. When others ask for your help and you * do not say "yes" *, or do not respond.

2. When you have * made a mistake * or have * failed * at some effort.

3. When * others are more capable * than you are at certain tasks or concerning certain qualities (i.e. intelligence, artistic ability, speech, sports, cooking, professional success, their childrens success, economically, making friends, employing disciplines).

4. When * others attract more attention, * esteem and respect in a group situation.

5. When others * have offered more to you * than you have offered them.

6. When you are * not perfect *.

7. When * others criticize, are angry at or reject you *.

8. When * others do not agree with you or believe that you are wrong *.

9. When others * are able to manipulate you *.

10. When * you have "created" pain * for others.

11. When you are * not in harmony with your conscience *.

The accompanying more detailed questionnaire will help us determine more clearly when we lose our feelings of self-worth. We suggest that as you read through it, you mark those items that might relate to you.

I Tend to Lose My Feelings of Self-Worth:
(Worth what; love, happiness, health, success, satisfaction?)

  1. When others criticize me, blame me, or do not approve of me.

  2. When others are angry with me.

  3. When my children, spouse or parents are not happy, healthy, successful, or satisfied.

  4. When I do not know as much as others around me.

  5. When I do not have an intimate relationship partner.

  6. When my house is not clean and in order.

  7. When my partner shows interest in others.

  8. If I am not successful professionally.

  9. If I do not have enough money.

  10. If I am not attractive to the opposite sex.

  11. If I do not make an impression on others.

  12. If I do not have many sexual successes.

  13. If others do not respect me.

  14. If my child is ill.

  15. If I do not have what others have.

  16. If I am not perfect.

  17. If I do not achieve many things.

  18. If others are able to cheat or mislead me.

  19. If I do not have

  20. If I do not do

  21. Other reasons


Once we have established the particular situations or stimuli that obstruct our feelings of self-worth or self-acceptance, we will need to separate our answers into two groups.

1. Those which have to do with * social programming * and not with our conscience. In such a case, we need to analyze each reason separately as we attempt to discover and change the beliefs that cause us to lose our self-acceptance in those situations.

When we lose our feelings of self-worth because of social programming we are buying into societies illusions concerning who is worthy and who is not. We are measuring ourselves by superficial standards set by society such as money, appearance profession etc, and not by our conscience, such as honesty, love, sincerity, selflessness etc.

2. Situations in which we reject ourselves because our * actions are not in alignment with our inner conscience *. We behave toward others, as we would not like them to behave toward us. Our answers to 10 and 11 in the first questionnaire might indicate such situations.

In such cases, we are interested in how we could react differently in those situations so that our behavior is in tune with our conscience.

In these second cases which have to do with conscience, we will most often find that we behave in such ways because we are being controlled by the previous categories if social beliefs.

For example we tell lies (matter of conscience) because we believe that our self-worth depends on what others think about us and thus want to hide the truth from them

The final solution for the matter of self-worth is to realize that all beings deserve love and respect exactly as they are regardless of all their flaws simply because they are unique aspects of divine creation- just as all flowers and all of nature.

In such a case, we must not confuse ones ability and/or morality with worthiness of love and respect. As aspects of divine creation all deserve love and respect regardless of ability or morality.

The difference is that those who have ability deserve positions of greater responsibility that those without. While those without morality do deserve our love and respect they may not deserve trust or freedom to move about in society, until they are healed of their problem.


Find Your Focus - End Procrastination Without Willpower

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Learning to live with chronic pain

Learning To Live With Chronic Pain

Pain varies from person to person. At first it may be tolerable but when it becomes chronic pain, it can be devastating. The goal of pain management is to provide relief and improve function.

chronic pain, back pain, stress, back pain, arthritis, stress relief, side effects, anti-inflammatory drugs

Some people may have been nursing a broken spine for a long period of time and not even know about it. That back pain may have been due to a fall during any sports activity such as basketball, skiing, horse-back riding or a football game wherein you've been misdiagnosed with only a broken right arm. However, after the injured arm heals, there seems to have developed an intense back pain that made regular activities such as sleeping and moving around too difficult to do. The pain goes on and would never seem to leave you. Aside from the stress and agony it brings, chronic pain can lead to other serious medical conditions.
     Acute pain is experienced as a direct response to injury or trauma which comes on suddenly and lasts for a limited period of time. The pain is expected to disappear as soon the injury or disease has been treated. Chronic pain, on the other hand, is pain that persists and last for several moths or even years.
     The most common types of chronic pain include back pain, headaches, arthritis, cancer pain, and neuropathic pain, all of are related to nerve injury. Health care professionals always see the identification of the source of pain as the first step to treating chronic pain. It shouldn't be ignored as it could be a symptom of an injury or unknown disease like Fibromyalgia. It is characterized by fatigue and widespread pain in muscles and joints. This condition may be connected to injury, changes in muscle metabolism, or viruses, though the exact cause is unclear.
     Physical and emotional effects can be devastating regardless of the type of chronic pain. A patient's career, family and future may suffer and get ruined. Some people would even commit suicide in order to put an end to chronic pain.
     Chronic pain may goes on for weeks, months, or years and may not always respond to treatment. Without relief, or the hope for relief, it can be debilitating and may become the defining factor in patients' lives. They lose the ability to eat, sleep, work, and function normally.
     Pain varies from person to person, thus, treatment is individualized. Providing as much pain relief as possible and improving function is the goal of pain management. People with arthritis may do well with occasional use of an over-the-counter pain reliever, whereas someone else with arthritis may need a prescription pain reliever and regular aerobic exercise to feel good.
     There is more to treatment for chronic pain than medication. It can also involve stress relief and relaxation, physical therapy, improved sleep and nutrition habits.
     When chronic pain starts to interfere with the quality of one's life, it is time to seek professional help. Another reason to seek advice from a specialist is if one is experiencing intolerable side effects from medications.
     The fear of becoming addicted to pain medications is always the concern of both patients and their doctors. "Most forms of chronic pain respond to non-opioid drug treatments such as pain relievers, which don't have addiction potential, aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A combination of different types of analgesic medications at lower doses is often more effective than a single high-dose medication.
     But in some cases, opioids are prescribed for pain. Opioids are controlled substances that are potentially addictive. But taking doses of opioids to relieve pain as prescribed is not considered as drug addiction. Addiction is the craving for and compulsive use of drugs. On the other hand, physical dependence occurs when a person's body adapts to the drug. A person who has become physically dependent on a drug must not suddenly stop taking it to avoid withdrawal syndrome. Symptoms can include muscle aches, watery nose and eyes, irritability, sweating, and diarrhea. Physical dependence is considered a normal response to repeated use of opioids and is distinct from psychological addiction.
     People suffering from chronic pain need support groups in order to deal with all of the issues regarding chronic pain such as lack of concern, frustration, how to communicate pain to your doctor, and how to maintain relations with your family. Pain may be inevitable, but suffering can be optional.


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Learning to live and love in the development of self and social environment

Learning to Live and Love in the Development of Self and Social Environment

When you love someone you dont love him or her all the time. It is impossible to love someone exactly the same all the time. If you claim to love someone in this sense you doing nothing but pretending. This could be considered as telling a lie.

It is not easy to learn to live and love. This requires a lot of delicate skills. Humans are very fragile. Relationships that start out as joyous often ended in despair or bitterness. Many women and men find that at some time they have become very captivated by strangers. After a week or so the relationship ends in disillusionment, wondering what they saw in the other person. Many relationships are started from the fear of being alone depression or loneliness. All of these relationships are threatened and dont turn out to be peaceful or lasting relationships.

There is no being without a relationship. From the very beginning men and women had that sense of need and relatedness. Even at birth there is a sense of dependency for another. Example of this could related to a newborn and its mother. This is when the first coupling takes place. As life goes on, humans begin to act like spiders. They start weaving one relationship after another until they create a web of relationships or a pattern.

As a child if you are denied love, you slip into psychosis. When you become an adult, you tend to depend on interacting for greater joy and togetherness. This is often taken for granted. It is very sad when you stop and think that even in desperate times such as death, divorce or physical separations that humans continue to engage in thoughtless and idle behaviors. This only causes further isolation.

Your life should be spent trying to form and understand what a lasting relationship is and love the attempts that you succeeded in. Even when you are involved in everyday shopping you are engaged in relating. More and more opportunities to relate are being taken away from humans. Just look outside. It isnt safe to even walk your neighborhood sidewalks due to fear.

A loving relationship is part of the development of social self. A loving relationship inspires health and growth. Before a relationship can form and be successful one should understand how it works. Take the necessary time to study a failed relationship. Know that a loving relationship cant be taken for granted. This only leads to pain and heartache. Do you know whether you want a primary or secondary relationship?

Primary Relationship is often defined as the closest person in whom you prefer to relate to on regular basis in your daily life.

Secondary Relationship is can be defined as the person in which you choose to relate to, or forced into doing so on a routine schedule with less intensity on the day to day relationship.

The primary relationship could consist of a husband and wife. Others may think of their family members as their primary relationship. Single men and women may find the opposite sex their primary relationship. Some individuals consider their pets their primary relationship

Affection, compassion and communication are the up most important in primary relationships. There are others that may damage a relationship such as a lack of communication, jealousy, and lack or respect.

In the secondary relationship communication ranks very high. Some of the following are just as important.
Sense of humor
Features that may destroy a relationship might be found below.
Lack of communication
Lack of forgiving
Lack of understanding
Being judgmental
In having a loving relationship among humans, whether it is wives and husbands, lovers, children, coworkers or youre nearest neighbor it is apparent that it requires a lot of skills and behavior. Search deep in your heart for the love of another before entering any relationships.


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Learning to lead leadership development and you

Learning To Lead: Leadership Development And You

When you suddenly get the job of heading an organization, it can be pretty overwhelming. The responsibilities inherent in managing people can get to you. This stress is not limited to being the head honcho of an organization. Mid-level managers and team leaders face the challenge of dealing with people on a lower rung and this can be difficult to do in a manner that is beneficial to the company. That is where leadership development comes in.

Being a leader is not exactly a natural talent. Yes, anyone can stand up and give people orders. That may fulfill the most basic meaning of the word leadership but what most organizations or businesses are looking for is effective leadership. That is a whole different story. This is why most top-flight businesses integrate leadership development courses or activities into their business schedule for their management-level employees. This can take the form of a simple class or a business retreat. The aim of these activities is to enhance leadership skill.

If you're a management type, you're probably wondering what these courses can do for you. You're thinking that you've got your department in tip-top shape, meeting all the requirements and not a peep of complaint from the your subordinates, and you did all of it with no help from a course. The problem with that sort of thinking is that you may be missing danger signs that would cause trouble for your department. A leadership development course will provide you with the skills to identify these danger signs and be able to head off any problems that it may cause.

How do courses like these help you attain these goals? First of all, most leadership development courses are rooted in military tradition. It can be said that the first leadership development programs in the world can be found in the rise of modern militaries. This is because an army needs to have a very good corps of officers to be effective. This is when the first official officer training courses came to being and are still being implemented. Of course, learning how to lead needs the appropriate traits: you need to want to learn, have a drive to succeed, seek to improve yourself and be open to new experiences. A leadership development hones these traits into tools that will help a manager to succeed.

Secondly, a leadership development course helps you to develop your empathy. Empathetic leadership leads to better understanding between management and the employees. This better helps to facilitate smooth working relationships and enables the easy resolution of any problems that may come up. Empathy training is a large part of any leadership development course, mostly because management sometimes loses focus on the viewpoint from the bottom of an organization.

Finally, leadership development courses encourages experiential learning. This means that you learn from experiences both on the job and off it. The willingness to learn means also being able to accept that mistakes can happen the key here is to make sure that those mistakes don't happen again. This developmental way of learning that is open to feedback helps organizations to grow in an organic manner, even after setbacks that maybe crippling.

It should be obvious that leadership development is an essential trait needed for any business in the 21st century. Initiating leadership development courses in your company or joining one on your own initiative can result in increased efficiency and dividends for your company. Try it out and see how much a difference it makes.


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Learning to fall and how to get up again

Learning To Fall And How To Get Up Again

The greatest self help-book of all times The Greatest Salesman in the World was written by Og Mandino. He is probably the most famous for an anecdotal story he tells from one of his favorite books called Acres of Diamonds written by Russell Herman Conwell which is known by just about every great salesmen or trainer alive today. Og Mandino invigorated the story just as every motivational guru has since. The Greatest Salesman in the World sold over 40 million copies and w...



The greatest self help-book of all times The Greatest Salesman in the World was written by Og Mandino. He is probably the most famous for an anecdotal story he tells from one of his favorite books called Acres of Diamonds written by Russell Herman Conwell which is known by just about every great salesmen or trainer alive today. Og Mandino invigorated the story just as every motivational guru has since. The Greatest Salesman in the World sold over 40 million copies and was translated into 22 different languages. In Acres of Diamonds the anecdotal story is told about an Arab guide, a man who wanted to find diamonds so badly that he sold all he possessed to go off in a futile mission to find them while the new owner of his home actually discovers that a rich diamond mine was located right there on the property originally owned by this Arab. If the Arab had gone just three feet more he would have found that diamond mine, he would have found the diamonds in his own back yard if he had looked a little ha

Abraham Lincoln spoke also about not giving up. He said "Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." Easier said than done, right? Nevertheless this is a truism, one of those natural laws of the universe I speak so much about. The fact is we are here in this life on this planet to learn. Earth is our school set up to develop our talents, and teach us how to acquire skills we need to live and love one another. How we go about that is truly our unique path in life, but one of the lessons we are bound to run into is the one where our resolve is tested. Will we give up or press on?

The fact is so many of us do give up. Consider the ratio of business failures to start-ups. Consider that over 50% of marriages fail in divorce. Consider the rate of drop-outs to graduates. It is a glaring truth that we as humans do give up more than we should. Above all that is the amazing comparison to the anecdote that is we had just hung in there a little longer we would have made a success of our endeavor

We all have weaknesses to work on. This one quite frankly is so wide spread we might as well say that we should all pay attention to not giving up. In Lincolns quote we find an important tidbit of information that could help us. He said, Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. First recognize that failures are part of the game. Learn to embrace failure to failure. You must fail to learn. In the movie Batman Begins young Bruce Wayne is asked by his father, Why do we fall son? The answer is, So we can learn how to get up. In sales we all learn its a numbers game. Your victories, those things you call closes are based on how many successful appointments you get, which in turn is based on how many calls you make, which is based on how many leads you get. Its all a numbers game. You know as sure as the sum rises that you will have 10 sales if you can get 20 appointments. You need 100 calls to get 25 appointments. Its a numbers game, So is everything in life. Learning how


Find Your Focus - End Procrastination Without Willpower

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Learning to drive at a driving school can save time and money

Learning To Drive At A Driving School Can Save Time And Money!

There are many types of driving schools available today. Although some states require drivers training before new drivers under the age of 18 can obtain their drivers license, a good driving school can also be a wise investment. It's no secret that most insurance companies have identified qualified drivers training for insurance discounts. The reason is that new drivers can be certain to learn and understand the laws of the road prior to getting out alone or with friends.

In many states, a good driving school also can be certified by the state to administer the driving test. This means less time is wasted in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles!

Although the drivers handbook can explain the traffic laws clearly and can be studied, it takes real life practice to become comfortable with all the traffic and safety laws. Driving Schools exist to give the new driver the opportunity to gain experience and build a foundation of real, behind the wheel knowledge.

There are many different types of driving schools. New driver schools are by for the most popular. Specialty schools however are available to train drivers for different situations. These schools include defensive driving, anger management driving, advanced driving courses, big rig truck driving, motorcycle driving and more. Each offer a different and important skill set to the learner.

Driving schools are more than just driving around with an instructor. Quality driving schools feature study materials and some even study time.

Defensive and advanced driving schools train people for a much more dynamic driving abilities. These may include evasive driving techniques like hard stopping to change direction of your auto quickly, These classes and training are not for beginners but for specialized careers and those who are interested in taking their driving abilities to the next level. These classes usually include classroom and driving track training and last a day to several days depending on the depth of information to be taught.

There are also specialty driving schools like those that teach truck driving. These classes are focused more on the student obtaining enough road time and knowledge to become a truck driver. These schools focus on the career aspect of their training and work to provide all the information necessary for the student to take and pass all state certification driving tests.

Another specialty driving school focuses on motorcycle drivers training. Unlike most driving schools, most motorcycle drivers training teach a much more aggressive safety aspect. This is no doubt due to the seriousness of accidents involving motorcycles.

So in the end, driving school training can benefit almost anyone of any age. From the newest, almost ready to drive teen to those of us interested in a truck driving career, there's a driving school suited to the needs of everyone. Driving schools deliver the skills and knowledge that not only can save on auto insurance but also save a life.



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Learning to dance in new hampshire

Learning To Dance In New Hampshire

If you would live in New Hampshire in the Nashua or Southern NH area, and you are interenst in dancing classes for you or your children, there are a few good dance schools which offer a full range of dance classes.

Some of the different types of dance classes you may think about taking are classes like "Early Dance"; These classes are specially designed to provide children between three and six years of age with a strong foundation in dance and movement. Through participat...

art, dance, dance classes, dance studio, learn to dance

If you would live in New Hampshire in the Nashua or Southern NH area, and you are interenst in dancing classes for you or your children, there are a few good dance schools which offer a full range of dance classes.

Some of the different types of dance classes you may think about taking are classes like "Early Dance"; These classes are specially designed to provide children between three and six years of age with a strong foundation in dance and movement. Through participation in these types of programs, young children can learn the basic elements of movement and dance and some elementary positions of ballet. You may find tap dance classes for the older children of four and five year old, and the six year old classes you may find some jazz. Additionally, students may learn the basics of classroom behavior that is required throughout their dancing years.

Also for the younger crowd, you will find dance classes such as "Creative Gym"; usually designed for three to five year olds. The emphasis is on fun, incorporating tumbling and balancing, using equipment and playing games.

Creative Movement classes are specifically designed for self expression, creativity, gaining awareness of their own movement and increasing self esteem. Usually covered are the basic fundamentals of dance and movement space, time, levels, locomotion (walking, jumping, running, hopping etc.) and non locomotion (bending, twisting, stretching etc.) to name a few.

You may also find ballet classing in New Hampshire, which is the foundation of all dance forms. Dance students are strongly encouraged to study ballet. Body placement and flexibility are taught and developed through barre, adagio and allegro work.

Also there is "Pointe", jazz and tap in NH at various NH dance studios, and for the more advance dance classes, there are modern dance classes - Nikolais and Humphrey dance technique may be studied. These techniques develop self expression, understanding of movement progressions and rhythm. Labans movement efforts are also introduced through improvising.

And finally, you many want to learn Hip Hop dance; a stylized form of dance that incorporates both jazz and funk movement to contemporary music. New Hampshire is a great place to learn to dance and you will find a few of the best dance studios in New England right here in Southern NH.


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