dimanche 27 février 2011

Leather craft details

Leather Craft Details

Working with leather can be fun and profitable. Find out what tools are needed and where to find good information about leather crafts.

leather craft, leather

Leather craft is a fascinating hobby and many artists have taken this way beyond carving initials or embossing a logo. Leather craft requires special tools and specific types of leather

Embossing / Stamping / Tooling

An excellent place to shop, learn about leather craft embossing, and gain knowledge on all types of leather craft information is at eLeatherSupply.com you'll find tools, hardware, leather, kits, and patterns there.

Embossing is art of creating a three-dimensional image onto leather. The only type of leather you want to try this on is vegetable tanned leather, which may be described as tooling leather. With leather craft embossing, you do not need extensive training since all that is required are some special tools, embossing plates or wheels, and some basic leather craft knowledge, which can be learned in a class or even on the Internet.

With embossing, pressure is created from underneath the leather item or from on top. For de-bossing, this is when the design is backwards, created fro


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