samedi 26 février 2011

Learning to apply information

Learning To Apply Information

There are many definitions of intelligence, but the one I have learned in high school claimed that intelligence in nature is the ability of an animal or a human to use the information they have learned.

I have also read about the idea that there are several levels of learning. The lowest level of learning, is just memorizing the material and being able to "regurgitate" it in the same term it was presented, and the highest levels of learning are the learning styles that use...

kids, baby, babies, children, parenting, genius, gifted, intelligence, intelligent, education

There are many definitions of intelligence, but the one I have learned in high school claimed that intelligence in nature is the ability of an animal or a human to use the information they have learned.

I have also read about the idea that there are several levels of learning. The lowest level of learning, is just memorizing the material and being able to "regurgitate" it in the same term it was presented, and the highest levels of learning are the learning styles that use the material in other contexts, and the learning style that builds on top of the material learned.

For example, when you teach your child about addition, and he immediately understands the concept of subtraction. Or if you teach your child about the structure of the dinosaurs teeth in relation to their food, and your child looks at your pet and tries to guess the structure of their teeth, based on their food.

Well - you don't need to wait for your child to develop that level of learning by himself. You can develop this habit


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