dimanche 27 février 2011

Leather craft classes

Leather Craft Classes

Further education is always a good thing. Find out where local leather craft classes are taking place right now.

leather craft, leather

If you are interested in learning how to make undeniably great leather products, you can enjoy classes to make anything from shoes to handbags to gun straps, and much, much more! You can find more opportunities on the Internet but I have put together a list of some organizations that offer leather-making classes that I would highly recommend:


ywca.com or ymca.com Most people think of these notational organizations as being places to learn how to swim or where they can enjoy a good aerobics class. While both the YMCA and YWCA do offer these types of activities, they offer incredible classes that include leather making.

All you need to do is visit the website listed to find an organization where you live. Some of the classes offered include design and making of leather shoes, belts, handbags, hats, wallets, and more. The prices may vary but on average, you can expect to pay around $150 to $250 for a four- to six-week class.


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