samedi 26 février 2011

Learning through private speech for self regulation

Learning Through Private Speech for Self Regulation

Learning how the processes of private speech and self-regulation can benefit you:
The process of learning is one that is very difficult and that is made simpler by the commitment to learn about ourselves first and to grab control of our thoughts, words and actions. In order to learn to handle life one of the most important tools that we start of with as children is the use of private speech. Private speech is talking to us and is akin to voice dialog. This is used in our development and can greatly influence the way that we think and move through life.
This tool can foster our development into persons that are in control of our lives and that are independent in the truest sense of the word. We can develop and turn into people that are able to handle adversity and that are able to cope with frustrating situations with a positive approach. Private speech is one of the first things that we can encourage children to do when they are young. This teaches them to work through tough situations and logically find solutions on their own.
Children may not be able to accomplish everything themselves but they will be able to hone the skills they need for later in life. The independence that is created with private speech prepares and paves the way for thoughts that are directed and a way of thinking that can serve throughout life. If we all had gone through this stage early in life then we will have some of the skills already developed and life may not seem as daunting for us as it is for others that have not completed this stage in there development.
Eventually we will learn to do private speech as private thought or inner voice communication and still use this method to be more self aware and in control. We are able to be self regulating and can keep track of and monitor situations as well as plan situations internally. It is crucial if this stage was lacking in our lives that we learn to reach our inner voice and take control of our independence.
We can possess all the book knowledge in the world but still not be able to handle the situations that life throws our way. This is due to a lack of the development of this processing skill that teaches us to tackle problems. We may be too impulsive or too rigid as a result of this deficiency but it is important that we develop this skill and attain the middle ground in our lives. When you learn how to approach situations and problems then it is easier to improve work relationships and morale and you are able to function at a higher level of awareness. This awareness will grant you the ability to process in life with direction and towards the achievement of all your aims and goals.
In order to develop into a leader you must possess this critical control and this will be able to arm you to achieve more in life. We all have to start with the assessment of the weaknesses and strengths that we possess and look inward at the way we think. If our thinking is too impulsive then we have to figure out why and slow down this and start proceeding methodically through situations. If we are too rigid they we have to make ourselves think through situations and our approach and see how we can soften our ways. All this can be aided by private speech or private introspection.


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