samedi 26 février 2011

Learning to crochet is as easy as 1 2 3

Learning to Crochet is as Easy as 1-2-3

Crocheting is one of the most relaxing crafts you can do with your hands. Once you learn to crochet you can easily sit back and crochet and listen to the radio or watch your favorite television program while you happily crochet away and make a great item, for yourself or someone else, at the same time. Crocheting is great for those of us who like to keep our hands busy but also like to multitask as well.

I used to sit back and watch my aunt crochet at family gathering and was always amazed that by the end of the day she would have participated in all of the conversation and still she had a ton of crocheting done.

When you first start crocheting, it seems hard to do and it feels awkward in your hands. However, that awkwardness soon leaves and is replaced with the satisfied feeling of knowing you created something with your own two hands. It really is a very satisfying feeling.

While crocheting is not difficult to do, it does require a few special supplies and some patience. With these three simple steps you can learn to crochet today:

Step #1 Your Supply List

To begin crocheting you will simply need to have a crochet hook and some yarn. If you are going to attempt to make an item from a pattern, you will also need that as well.

Crocheting Hooks

One of the most important considerations for any crochet project is the size of the hook and the yarn you choose to use. Crochet hooks are labeled with numbers and letters. These numbers and letters correspond to different sizes. The higher the number or letter then the larger and thicker the size of the hook, and when you are new to crochet this means the quicker your project will be completed.

Crochet Fibers and Yarns

When you are first learning how to crochet you should stick to using natural fibers and yarns. These natural fibers tend to be less slippery and easier to work with.

Just as important as the fibers you use is the way that you hold them in your hand. By learning the correct way to hold your yarn and crochet hook from day one, it will be much easier for you to advance your crocheting projects without having to relearn how to hold things. Here is the best way to hold your yarn and crochet hook:

  1. Place the yarn over your little finger, below your ring finger, and above your fore and middle fingers.

  2. Hold your crochet hook as you would a pencil or fork. This allows you the best hold to heave the yarn from your fingers down to the loop in the hook.

As you begin to crochet more and more you will come up with just the right positions for you. But, it is always best to learn in a more classical style from the start and adopt your own style from there.

Step #2 Learn Some Basic Crocheting Lingo

Learning to crochet means you have to learn the language which goes along with crocheting. At first it looks a bit daunting, but here are the basic abbreviations. You can find more in a crocheting dictionary in the front or back of most crocheting books.

CH stands for Chain Stitch
DEC stands for decrease
DC stands for Double Crochet
DB DEC stands for Double Decrease
INC stands for Increase
HDC stands for half-double crochet
REP stands for Repeat
RND stands for Round
SC stands for Single Crochet
SK stands for Skip
SL ST stands for Slip Stitch
SP(S) stands for Spaces
ST(S) stands for Stitches
YO stands for Yarn Over

Step #3 Just Do It

Just like the infamous Nike ads say Just do it! The only way you will ever learn a new skill, such as crocheting, is to try it out and practice.

Learning to crochet allows you to make new friends and to create beautiful works of art while relaxing at the same time. By taking care to use the right supplies for beginners, and for looking for groups where you can learn new techniques, you will be on your way to crocheting complex sweaters in no time.

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