samedi 26 février 2011

Learning to live and love in the development of self and social environment

Learning to Live and Love in the Development of Self and Social Environment

When you love someone you dont love him or her all the time. It is impossible to love someone exactly the same all the time. If you claim to love someone in this sense you doing nothing but pretending. This could be considered as telling a lie.

It is not easy to learn to live and love. This requires a lot of delicate skills. Humans are very fragile. Relationships that start out as joyous often ended in despair or bitterness. Many women and men find that at some time they have become very captivated by strangers. After a week or so the relationship ends in disillusionment, wondering what they saw in the other person. Many relationships are started from the fear of being alone depression or loneliness. All of these relationships are threatened and dont turn out to be peaceful or lasting relationships.

There is no being without a relationship. From the very beginning men and women had that sense of need and relatedness. Even at birth there is a sense of dependency for another. Example of this could related to a newborn and its mother. This is when the first coupling takes place. As life goes on, humans begin to act like spiders. They start weaving one relationship after another until they create a web of relationships or a pattern.

As a child if you are denied love, you slip into psychosis. When you become an adult, you tend to depend on interacting for greater joy and togetherness. This is often taken for granted. It is very sad when you stop and think that even in desperate times such as death, divorce or physical separations that humans continue to engage in thoughtless and idle behaviors. This only causes further isolation.

Your life should be spent trying to form and understand what a lasting relationship is and love the attempts that you succeeded in. Even when you are involved in everyday shopping you are engaged in relating. More and more opportunities to relate are being taken away from humans. Just look outside. It isnt safe to even walk your neighborhood sidewalks due to fear.

A loving relationship is part of the development of social self. A loving relationship inspires health and growth. Before a relationship can form and be successful one should understand how it works. Take the necessary time to study a failed relationship. Know that a loving relationship cant be taken for granted. This only leads to pain and heartache. Do you know whether you want a primary or secondary relationship?

Primary Relationship is often defined as the closest person in whom you prefer to relate to on regular basis in your daily life.

Secondary Relationship is can be defined as the person in which you choose to relate to, or forced into doing so on a routine schedule with less intensity on the day to day relationship.

The primary relationship could consist of a husband and wife. Others may think of their family members as their primary relationship. Single men and women may find the opposite sex their primary relationship. Some individuals consider their pets their primary relationship

Affection, compassion and communication are the up most important in primary relationships. There are others that may damage a relationship such as a lack of communication, jealousy, and lack or respect.

In the secondary relationship communication ranks very high. Some of the following are just as important.
Sense of humor
Features that may destroy a relationship might be found below.
Lack of communication
Lack of forgiving
Lack of understanding
Being judgmental
In having a loving relationship among humans, whether it is wives and husbands, lovers, children, coworkers or youre nearest neighbor it is apparent that it requires a lot of skills and behavior. Search deep in your heart for the love of another before entering any relationships.


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